Ingrid Bergman starred in Gaslight the 1944 film about Gaslighting

The history of the term ‘Gaslighting’ in modern pop culture history and self-help social circles

The term Gaslighting comes from a movie reference to the film “Gaslight”. Gaslight is a story about a woman targeted by a Love Fraud predator for extreme abuse of her hospitality and humanity. In the motion picture made back in 1944, the social psychology phenomenon of using psychological and emotional abuse as a way to …

WOmanizers are always on the prowl for romantic conquests

Machiavellian social predators known as Womanizers engage in serial cheating for sport

When men cheat for sport, it’s a clear sign they embrace a Machiavellian Womanizer mindset in everyday life. Obviously, women who cheat as if they are collecting trophies tend to share the same personality type — but they are more than likely to embrace the gaslighting stereotype that all men are dogs (dehumanizing and making …

Somatic Narcissism

Somatic Narcissists are seldom in touch with their own logic or emotions

Somatic Narcissists are seldom (if ever) in touch with their own logic or emotions. By failing to develop their emotional intelligence when they are young and throughout their adulthood, they create neurological repression of anatomical emotion in such a way that their personality ends up being socially and emotionally handicapped. If you decide to pursue …

C-PTSD and Aspie workplace accommodations

Making C-PTSD and Aspie friendly workplace accommodations is great for business

Dear Employers from literally every large or small business or workplace venue on the planet, please consider the following list of recommendations for how to meet the medical as well as professional needs of people with Aspergers as a rudimentary template of how to support employees struggling with the impact of things like PTSD, seemingly …