Course of Conduct

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Course of conduct” means a pattern of conduct composed of a series of acts over a period of time, however short, which evidences a continuity of purpose.

When discussing Narcissistic Abuse and other forms of social violence, it is crucial to evaluate an abusive person or socially aggressive peer group’s pattern behavior and forensic psychology.

Cluster B personality types are known for engaging in courses of conduct that are socially aggressive and harmful to others. Pervasively egocentric, they strive to create a situation where they are (self-purported) winning — a status that only seems to be meaningful in life when and if they create the impression of another person losing.

Many people who have been pervasively targeted by hate groups for social persecution by, for instance, abusive family members, report feeling ostracized, shunned, ridiculed, persecuted for crimes of which they either cannot fathom or did not commit.

Humanitarian and emotionally sensitive people are the most common social abuse targets preferred as scapegoat victims by those who routinely strive to socially define then persecute individuals or peer groups they perceive as Narcissistic Rivals or targeted lessers.

If a person is notorious for engaging in socially abusive courses of conduct toward family members, their own offspring, current or former love interests, or previous schoolmates and or co-workers, expect them to behave in increasingly abusive and toxic ways as they grow older.

Abusive people, by nature, tend to have their consciousness firmly developed by or before the age of 28 (chronologically speaking). After that point, neuroplasticity tends to freeze in place, prohibiting them from doing things like self-reflecting, understanding complex emotions, or anything other than narrowly defined and ultimately short-sighted, pattern behaviors, and egocentric thinking.

For that reason alone, victims seek to be validated that they were treated abusively or neglectfully by a Cluster B thinker or socially abusive peer group who targeted them for either social persecution or social shaming by gaslighting provoked shunning that targeted them for isolation, alienation of affection from a loved one, or for estrangement are often caught by total surprise when and if they seek validation or relief from social persecution.

Flying Monkey types, acting in the capacity of Abuse Enabler as well as Sadistic Voyeur, are notorious for telling abuse victims things like:

  • time heals all wounds
  • things will get better with time
  • once things calm down, you will see… the abuser did not mean to do the abusing

What actually happens to people who believe such incredibly false and enabling gaslighting statements if and when they return to the proverbial scene of the crime is they find a smug Abuser who has only gotten more verbally adept at doing and saying the most socially deplorable things over time.

People who engage in socially caustic or civic chaos manufacturing behaviors for pleasure do not magically grow a conscience.

They do not mature, grow, or intellectually evolve with age; in fact, they tend to display keen Machiavellian interest in continuing to abuse, gaslight, and in getting their way 100% of the time — no matter who their actions or lack of appropriate care for others hurts.

As such, looking carefully to see if a person or peer group made a one time only bad decision or they socially display a proclivity for manufacturing chaos and making mischief unnecessarily in order to traumatize, shame, provoke, or to cause duress in others by habit or pattern is key in establishing things like motive when and if an Abuser’s intent is ever in question…

Psychologically speaking, most Abusers and Enablers are fully aware of the very real psychological, physical, social, and emotional harm they are doing to their preferred scapegoats and targeted victims.

The game they play with themselves and others (such as officers of the law or with court officials) is to see how much they can lie and get away with claiming they are not being abusive.

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Plato's Stunt Double

DISCLOSURE: The author of this post is in no way offering professional advice or psychiatric counseling services. Please contact your local authorities IMMEDIATELY if you feel you are in danger. If you suspect your partner, a loved one, co-worker, or family member has a Cluster B personality disorder, contact your local victim's advocate or domestic violence shelter for more information about how to protect your rights legally and to discuss the potential benefits or dangers of electing to go "no contact" with your abuser(s). Due to the nature of this website's content, we prefer to keep our writer's names ANONYMOUS. Please contact directly to discuss content posted on this website, make special requests, or share your confidential story about Narcissistic Abuse with our staff writers. All correspondence will be kept strictly confidential.

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