Toxic Family Pushing Buttons

Going ‘No Contact’ with an abuser may mean leaving friends and family

Time to fess up. Going low to no contact with a domestic abuser might mean leaving behind beloved friends, pets, your own children, all the people in your family’s social and emotional support network. Why? Because people with entitlement issues, who have personality disorders, who have a mean streak, or are predatory by nature are …

What is the difference between bullying and mobbing

What is the difference between mobbing and bullying

What is the difference between mobbing and bullying? Both are prevalent forms of Narcissistic Abuse that target a preferred scapegoat, target, or victim. In either case, there is a ring leader. If they are bullying they might be doing it alone, but when Abusers manage to recruit Flying Monkeys to help them harm, embarrass, shame, or …