Whistleblower exposes toxic family

Whistleblowers who expose family secrets risk losing everything

Whistleblowers are people who set aside their own personal safety, needs, special interests, and prospective gains to set right moral injustices. Revealing deep, dark secrets of places like the military and corporate establishments, many are accused of being traitors to their professional organizations. But what of those human beings who risk social, emotional, and even …

Sexual Abuse of Adults and Children includes Hyper-Sexualization and Objectification

Sexual abuse of children and adults common for Dark Triad or Narcopath personality types

Serial sexual abusers tend to have Cluster B personalities that lean toward anti-social personality types. As the ultimate situational abusers, people who aggress, use, harm, or manipulate others into complying to have sex willingly (based on presenting themselves fraudulently as caring, loving, kind, or compassionate individuals) are incredibly Machiavellian and covertly narcissistic abusers. Whether people …

Copycat Stalker me and my shadow

Copycat cyber stalking a disturbing form of identity theft

Have you ever been totally creeped out by a person who copycats social media posts of other people while claiming insights, memes, and graphics were there own? Does it make you uneasy to see social media gurus and celebrities who fail to credit their sources, instead preferring to market other people’s original looks, art projects, …

Holidays with Grumpy Cat

Narcissistic people ruin holidays and birthdays by refusing to be pleased

Pleasing others successfully — for an Empath or HSP — is the pinnacle of self-actualization Maslow arguably referred to when discussing his psychological treatise on the human “Hierarchy of Needs”.  Whether narcissistic people act like Grumpy Cat on holidays or every day of the year, the important thing for any self-respecting People Pleaser to realize …

Holiday Traditions

Why people celebrate holiday traditions and special occasions

What does it mean to say you have holiday spirit? It means that you are properly socialized to have empathy and show respect in general to everybody. Whether celebrating a memorial event that is intended to stimulate a national sense of communal honor and pride or if you are memorializing a religious tradition by participating …