What motivates Cluster B personalities

Why narcissistic people are worse around the holidays in general

Narcissistic people are worse around the holidays in general. If you are being told that you are over-sensitive, imagining things, or do not have a sense of humor when and if you have taken their bait and reacted to their attention-seeking tactics, understand you have just been used as what is known as a “Narcissistic …

Somatic Narcissist Christmas

Somatic Narcissists love to compete for status during holiday season

Why do narcissistic people and Somatic Narcissists really celebrate holidays like Christmas? To fool everyone by tricking them into believing they are normal, kind, loving, and good-natured human beings, of course. Learn to spot the warning sign a “narcy” or mean-spirited Grinch is pulling off a “great pretender” con. Obsessed with status, aesthetic ideals, and …

What is the Denial Trap

Why victims who listen to narcissistic people develop C-PTSD

Welcome to Narcissistic Abuse recovery, a place where the only people who survive and thrive must resist the urge to minimize. The “Denial Trap” is one narcissistic people love to use all the time while gaslighting their victims into questioning their own memories, heart, intelligence, and even sanity after they have been openly caught doing …

Narcissisitc people love to argue

Stop wasting time arguing with narcissistic people

When dealing with accommodating a person who has a‪ known or suspected Cluster B‬ personality disorder or toxic thinking, the only person who ever truly benefits from arguing with them (or ‘wins’) is THEM. Why? Because narcissistic people love to argue and to create discord both for and between other people. When you spot the red flags …

Why do people smear campaign gossip and lie

Why narcissistic people lie, smear campaign, and gossip about victims

Why do abusive people lie, spread rumors, and make up malicious gossip? To shame and effectively isolate targets, that is why. They also do it to tamper with witnesses and victims of crimes they enacted or aided and abetted either passively or actively with mindful intent. Narcissistic people are the ultimate social and emotional predators. …