Recover from A Smear Campaign

How to recover from a Smear Campaign

Recovering from a smear campaign takes time, mindful gray rock techniques, education, and ruthless self-examination. It is possible to do, in theory, but the process seldom feels like something warm and fuzzy. Smear Campaigning is the art of targeting a Narcissistic Rival — with or without their knowledge — for social harm and intentional infliction …

Why Pathological Liars and Enablers seek to triangulate other people?

Why Pathological Liars and Enablers seek to triangulate

Pathological Liars and Enablers seek to triangulate other humans. It is actual covert social and physical abuse of everyone’s hospitality. Pathological liars tend to be experts at gaslighting. They lie to and about other people in order to strategically manipulate with the hopes of gaining social advantage. Why do they do it? To obscure the …

Why do toxic people repeat lies and known gaslighting claims over and over?

Repeating lies and gaslighting ad infinitum is a socially competitive brainwashing tactic

Why do toxic people repeat lies, smear campaigning remarks, ad hominem attacks, and false assertions over and over? Listen up, because we are about to tell you the answer you wish everyone has told you the first time you asked… more than likely when you were only two, three, or four years old and became …

Caulk Blockers Smear Campaigning Tampering With Witnesses

Smear Campaigning against victims of social crime is witness tampering

Victims of social crime or violent sexual assault are the most common types of people that those who abuse launch smear campaigns against. But it is the people who carry on talking about the victim who are the real social predators — nothing more than Sadistic Voyeurs who act like hyenas while scavenger style picking …

Flying Monkeys are amused by Ad Hominem verbal assaults

Hurling insults reveals true nature of Flying Monkeys and Abuse Enablers

Have you ever tried to make a point in an argument with a narcissistic person or toxic thinker and had them respond to your valid point by failing to validate you, then hurling verbal assaults? It is a Machiavellian Narcissistic Abuse technique used by Cluster B characters when and if they know they are caught …

Malignant Narcissism

Malignant Narcissists use their own social insecurity as justification to bully

Malignant Narcissists use their own social insecurity as justification to bully people they consider Narcissistic Rivals. The person being targeted for abuse seldom knows why they are being scapegoated, socially targeted for destruction, or why their abuser persistently cyberbullies. Why? Because above all else, narcissistic people fear losing prestige and personal power socially. Narcissistic behavior …

Smear Campaign Survival

Smear Campaign survival strategies recommended by and for Abuse Survivors

Have you been the targeted victim of a comprehensive smear campaign conducted by a Cluster B predator and their Flying Monkeys? Here are a few validating and consoling words offering reader strategies for coping that work. Smear campaigns are conducted by people prone to social menacing — and Abusers come in all forms. The number …

Why do people smear campaign gossip and lie

Why narcissistic people lie, smear campaign, and gossip about victims

Why do abusive people lie, spread rumors, and make up malicious gossip? To shame and effectively isolate targets, that is why. They also do it to tamper with witnesses and victims of crimes they enacted or aided and abetted either passively or actively with mindful intent. Narcissistic people are the ultimate social and emotional predators. …