Parent abuse by Alienation

Surviving Parental Alienation during special events, holidays, and birthdays

Surviving Parental Alienation during special events, holidays, and birthdays with grace, style, and comfort is indeed possible but it takes planning, effort, and a willingness to feel rather than to avoid intense self-reflection and experiencing complex emotion. If you have been placed into the parental discard pile by an alienated adult or mature age child …

Avoid alienating your child from their co-parent during a High Conflict Divorce

How to avoid alienating your child from their co-parent during a High Conflict Divorce

Surviving High Conflict Divorce without alienating your child from their co-parent. It’s the task and challenge at hand for non-Cluster B people who have been targeted for pervasive social, emotional, spiritual, and likely financial abuse by a socially competitive and likely irrational and profoundly disgruntled “rejected suitor” of an ex. Once in a while over …

Why Pathological Liars and Enablers seek to triangulate other people?

Why Pathological Liars and Enablers seek to triangulate

Pathological Liars and Enablers seek to triangulate other humans. It is actual covert social and physical abuse of everyone’s hospitality. Pathological liars tend to be experts at gaslighting. They lie to and about other people in order to strategically manipulate with the hopes of gaining social advantage. Why do they do it? To obscure the …

Dark Triads

Why Dark Triads manufacture chaos while attention seeking

Dark Triads have no original ideas. If you tell them as an advocate what the best thing to do is to minimize duress for others and to net gain them praise, they will be compelled by nature to take in what you say but by freewill choice will do exactly the opposite of whatever it …

Grandparent role in High Conflict Divorce

Advice for grandparents of children victimized by High Conflict Divorce

Once upon a time, we had several hundred different emails all asking the same question. Namely, what should a grandparent do if their grandchild is being raised by someone they consider to be morally or socially unfit to be a parent. Here is the deal. The more you antagonize your own offspring’s romantic partner(s), the …

How to spot an abusive personality type prone to violence

How to spot an abusive personality type prone to violence

Are you involved with a person who is verbally combative and prone to violence — but only when there are no witnesses present who might vouch for and/or assist their victim or your Abuser is surrounded by their Flying Monkey Enablers? Are you unsure about how to spot an abusive personality type that is prone …

How to talk to your own child about abuse

How to talk to Adult Children about their own Child Abuse issues

Adults who are aware of child abuse or pervasive neglect issues have a duty to report. Parents of children who are abused or at risk of being abused have a moral and legal obligation to protect.  If you failed to do one or both (regardless of the reason), expect your adult child or adult children to have …

Hoovering leads to Trauma Bonding

Make-Up Sex promotes Trauma Bonding in toxic romantic relationships

Make-up sex promotes “Trauma bonding”. Resist the urge to fall for the hoovering attempts of a love-bombing abuser who strives to get YOU addicted to engaging in the adrenal-enhancing romantic pattern. In an adult relationship between healthy, loving, and normal people, a little physical companionship goes a long way to promoting health and feelings of …

Guardian Ad Litem

Guardian Ad Litem programs help children survive custody battles

There is nothing more frustrating than being a kind, loving, and empathic parent and knowing that your child or children’s other biological half has a personality disorder. If you are struggling to keep your own head above water as a grown adult going through a difficult personal breakup, it’s hard enough. But seriously — when …

How to leave an emotional abuser or dangerous person

How to leave an emotionally abusive person or dangerous predator

Wondering what is the best way to leave an emotionally abusive person who has violent tendencies? Advice about how to leave an emotionally abusive person is different from advice that should be given to anyone leaving an active abuser with a propensity for violence. Here’s a list of helpful tips and information that can keep …

Nancy Sinatra singer of 'These Boots Are Made for Walking'

‘These Boots Are Made For Walkin’

Whether you filed for divorce at their request or not, a narcissistic or “narcy” person who actually has a readily identifiable (diagnosable) personality disorder is likely to be outraged. If you tell them you want a divorce after they cheat on you, lie to you, get caught with their hands in whatever proverbial cookie jar floats their boat, guess …

How to Leave a Narcissistic Person

How to Leave a Narcissist: Four key things to expect (step by step)

How to leave a narcissist. Step one — understand walking away means planning to lose not only their half of the money and personal possessions, but also your own. Know they will do whatever it takes to destroy you socially, financially, psychologically, physically, and emotionally — more so if THEY were 100% at fault for …