If your mate comes with Toxic Inlaws as baggage read this article as many times again as you need to over and over in order to figure out what to do to survive them.

If your mate comes with Toxic Inlaws as baggage read this article as many times again as you need to over and over in order to figure out what to do to survive them.
Do you suspect your In-laws do not like or appreciate you? When our In-Laws do not like us it hurts. Here are some generalized insights to help you understand what they are actually doing to you and their offspring if and when they are targeting you or your family for social harm or exclusion. Narcissistic …
Are you the victim of a smear campaign against you or your mate being run by an In-law? If yes, we are so immensly sorry to hear that you are, but we do want you to know that you are not alone if you feel overwhelmed by grief and feelings of toxic shame about the …
Have you been targeted for romantic relationship destruction by an Inlaw? Ever wonder why? Because knowing the answer to that very question about their motivation can help you go gray rock and to detach yourself from feeling the need to respond when and if their baiting, provocative, or outright overt or covert deplorable behavior cyclically …
Narcissists never get better as they age with regard to becoming more kind, socially supportive, and or empathetic and mature people. Their EQ limitations on a medical level leave 100% of their personality types functionally as well as logially emotionally disabled.
When looks and appearance matter more than actual reality to a person, they have developed a Somatic personality disorder. People who care more about what people will say or think if and when they hear the truth or witness someone in an authentic state tend to be tunnel-visioned, short-sighted, profoundly emotionally and intellectually handicapped, and …
When Mommy Dearest demands attention by manufacturing chaos and triangulating, expect the world around her to literally be expected to stop spinning. Mommy Dearest wants not only her offspring but anyone who knows her to truly believe their personal needs and desires will never matter as much as the social obligation to indulge her every …
Once upon a time, we had several hundred different emails all asking the same question. Namely, what should a grandparent do if their grandchild is being raised by someone they consider to be morally or socially unfit to be a parent. Here is the deal. The more you antagonize your own offspring’s romantic partner(s), the …
Are you involved with a person who is verbally combative and prone to violence — but only when there are no witnesses present who might vouch for and/or assist their victim or your Abuser is surrounded by their Flying Monkey Enablers? Are you unsure about how to spot an abusive personality type that is prone …
Adults who are aware of child abuse or pervasive neglect issues have a duty to report. Parents of children who are abused or at risk of being abused have a moral and legal obligation to protect. If you failed to do one or both (regardless of the reason), expect your adult child or adult children to have …
Adult Children of Toxic Parents — who are they? Many times, us. Here is a quick list of 10 tips and psychological starting point suggestions about how to wake up rapidly and stop perpetuating the Narcissistic Cycle of Abuse as it relates to romance and family. Do not worry — Stockholm Syndrome tends to happen …
Wondering what to expect from toxic parents who spent their youth abusing others? Expect overtly or covertly abusive Senior Citizens to pervasively abuse their friends, family, relatives, caregivers, or anyone who checks in on them regularly, tends to their daily needs and strives the most to treat them with care, consideration, thoughtfulness, and compassion. If …
Are you wondering what to expect from the Abuser in your life when they get older? Do you find yourself daydreaming and hoping that once your deplorable lover, long time friend, or family member matures a few more years that they will suddenly see the light and begin to value the concept of treating people …
Have you ever tried to make a point in an argument with a narcissistic person or toxic thinker and had them respond to your valid point by failing to validate you, then hurling verbal assaults? It is a Machiavellian Narcissistic Abuse technique used by Cluster B characters when and if they know they are caught …
Parent Abuse tends to happen to senior citizens and adults whose children have been abused by Cluster B adults, forcibly estranged, or alienated. They can be alienated during their childhood, as young adults by toxic peers, and in adulthood if and when they enmesh with a LOVE FRAUD con artist or narcissistic romantic partner. Toxic …