Flying Monkeys are amused by Ad Hominem verbal assaults

Hurling insults reveals true nature of Flying Monkeys and Abuse Enablers

Have you ever tried to make a point in an argument with a narcissistic person or toxic thinker and had them respond to your valid point by failing to validate you, then hurling verbal assaults? It is a Machiavellian Narcissistic Abuse technique used by Cluster B characters when and if they know they are caught …

Monty Python's Black Knight a Narcissistic Abuse Victim

Flying Monkeys lie and say Narcissistic Abuse heals over time

Narcissistic Abuse recovery happens with education — not over TIME. Learn how to spot the warning signs you are being abused and make a different choice about who to spend your time with and how you really want to live out the remaining days of the rest of your natural-born, God-given (not “parent provided”) life. …

Gaslighting is Narcissistic Abuse

Gaslighting a common sign of Narcissism, Narcopathy, and Enabling

Gaslighting — unquestionably one of the cruelest mental and emotional abuse tricks played on targeted scapegoats and preferred Narcissistic Abuse victims by social predators. But what IS gaslighting and how do you spot the mind game when and if it is being played by an Abuser or an Abuse Enabler? Gaslighting is covert Narcissistic Abuse …

Dark Triad triangulations Abuse by Proxy

Dark Triads use Abuse By Proxy tactics to enact revenge on Victims

When a Dark Triad personality asks you to help them shame, embarrass, stalk, or hunt down and abuse a target, keep your wits about you and do not buy into it. Decent human beings never seek to harm an ex-friend, estranged family member, or former love interest. Note that any person asking friends or people …

Generic advice for relationships bad advice for abuse victims

Stop listening to bad advice from self-help gurus if you are being abused

Straight talk about Flying Monkeys: stop listening to generic self-help advice from Narcissistic Abuse Enablers and Predators if you are being or have ever been abused. The material was not written in any way, shape, or form to help you. It is helpful for people who are going through challenging times personally and professionally, meaning they are …

Toxic Family Pushing Buttons

Going ‘No Contact’ with an abuser may mean leaving friends and family

Time to fess up. Going low to no contact with a domestic abuser might mean leaving behind beloved friends, pets, your own children, all the people in your family’s social and emotional support network. Why? Because people with entitlement issues, who have personality disorders, who have a mean streak, or are predatory by nature are …

What is the difference between bullying and mobbing

What is the difference between mobbing and bullying

What is the difference between mobbing and bullying? Both are prevalent forms of Narcissistic Abuse that target a preferred scapegoat, target, or victim. In either case, there is a ring leader. If they are bullying they might be doing it alone, but when Abusers manage to recruit Flying Monkeys to help them harm, embarrass, shame, or …

What does going no contact mean?

What does going no contact mean?

If you truly love a Narcissist, Psychopath, or Sociopath, the most loving thing you can ever do for yourself or them is to leave them be, exactly as they are, and go full-on NO CONTACT. By loving yourself enough to call it quits and move on with your life, you also completely allow them to …