Personality traits of Serial Cheaters

Common personality traits of Serial Cheaters

Serial Cheaters all tend to have common personality traits. Learning how to spot the red flags that someone is a Love Fraud con-artist can help save you time and tremendous romantic heartache when and if you heed the warnings and choose to actively avoid any romantic intrigue with charming but sexually untrustworthy people. Narcissism — …

WOmanizers are always on the prowl for romantic conquests

Machiavellian social predators known as Womanizers engage in serial cheating for sport

When men cheat for sport, it’s a clear sign they embrace a Machiavellian Womanizer mindset in everyday life. Obviously, women who cheat as if they are collecting trophies tend to share the same personality type — but they are more than likely to embrace the gaslighting stereotype that all men are dogs (dehumanizing and making …

Somatic Narcissism, Triangulation, Serial Cheating, and Sexual Sadism

Serial Cheaters, Somatic Narcissists, and Sadists manufacture triangulation

Men and women from all walks of life — including ages and socio-economic class stereotypes — have cheated on their romantic partners, it is true. But what few people know or realize about cheaters is an average person can be conned into participating in a Love Fraud relationship or be brainwashed by a Cluster B …

Gaslighting is Narcissistic Abuse

Gaslighting a common sign of Narcissism, Narcopathy, and Enabling

Gaslighting — unquestionably one of the cruelest mental and emotional abuse tricks played on targeted scapegoats and preferred Narcissistic Abuse victims by social predators. But what IS gaslighting and how do you spot the mind game when and if it is being played by an Abuser or an Abuse Enabler? Gaslighting is covert Narcissistic Abuse …

Closet Homosexual Men hiding double life

12 warning signs your husband might be cheating on you with other men

Listen up, ladies. What are some of the warning signs a male romantic partner is actually a gay man cheating on his utterly clueless, heterosexual, and most likely homophobic wife? Aside from your intuition telling you that something about your sex life seems “not quite right”, there are a variety of easy to spot clues …