Minimization is Narcissistic Abuse

Why minimizing Narcissistic Abuse is always wrong

Minimizing ‪Cluster B personality disorder tendencies in order to enable or avoid being targeted has profoundly detrimental effects on ALL members of HUMAN SOCIETY. Learn to spot the red flags and warning signs of a person who has ‪ ASPD‬, is a ‪Malignant Narcissist‬, or who is a ‪Narcopath‬. The ultimate situational abusers, they truly derive physical sensations of pleasure that …

Lonely is a state of mind

Lonely is a state of mind: C-PTSD and Narcissistic Abuse Recovery

Why do narcissistic people strive to socially, emotionally, and financially damage the lives of their targets? To feel powerful and in control, that is why. The Narcissist knows there is no greater loneliness than feeling trapped and forced to endure the mortification of isolation and shaming. One would think that forcing a victim to suffer …