Narcissistic People exhibit Pack Mentality

Narcissistic personalities exhibit pack mentality like dangerous predators

Children of Narcissists who are emotionally sensitive or mature often times wonder why they tend to feel ostracized and picked on by their family members rather than included. The same questions arise for any child of a group with anti-social tendencies. The answer to why they feel so ridiculed and left out is because they …

What is the difference between bullying and mobbing

What is the difference between mobbing and bullying

What is the difference between mobbing and bullying? Both are prevalent forms of Narcissistic Abuse that target a preferred scapegoat, target, or victim. In either case, there is a ring leader. If they are bullying they might be doing it alone, but when Abusers manage to recruit Flying Monkeys to help them harm, embarrass, shame, or …