How do you know if someone has a ‘Cluster B’ personality disorder?

How to spot a person with a toxic personality disorder

How do you know whether or not a bully (or temperamental, abusive person) has a full-blown Cluster B personality disorder? It is totally ‪ Crazymaking‬ — but truly toxic personalities always reveal their true nature over time. By the time they reach their 40s and 50s, typically their friendship pool begins to narrow to ONLY Flying …

Self Centered Narcissists act like Grinches

What motivates Cluster B personalities to act like Grinches?

What motivates people to do self-aggrandizing, dishonest, or sadistic things — with their bad behaviors seeming to escalate during seasonal holiday events like New Year’s Eve and Christmas? If you are sitting here wondering why some people simply seem evil, you are not alone. Actually, you are part of the narcissistic abuse targeted Walking Wounded …