Mommy Dearest and Toxic Mothers

How to survive Mother’s Day with Mommy Dearest

If the idea of Mother’s Day fills you with dread because your own mother tends to act compulsively like Joan Crawford in “Mommy Dearest”, understand you are not alone. With over 12% of the human population meeting diagnostic criteria for having full-blown personality disorders like NPD, HPD, BPD, and ASPD, that’s a lot of prospectively …

Whistleblower exposes toxic family

Whistleblowers who expose family secrets risk losing everything

Whistleblowers are people who set aside their own personal safety, needs, special interests, and prospective gains to set right moral injustices. Revealing deep, dark secrets of places like the military and corporate establishments, many are accused of being traitors to their professional organizations. But what of those human beings who risk social, emotional, and even …

Sexual Abuse of Adults and Children includes Hyper-Sexualization and Objectification

Sexual abuse of children and adults common for Dark Triad or Narcopath personality types

Serial sexual abusers tend to have Cluster B personalities that lean toward anti-social personality types. As the ultimate situational abusers, people who aggress, use, harm, or manipulate others into complying to have sex willingly (based on presenting themselves fraudulently as caring, loving, kind, or compassionate individuals) are incredibly Machiavellian and covertly narcissistic abusers. Whether people …

Adult Children with Toxic or Narcissistic Personalities

Adult Children with Cluster B personalities socially abuse and scapegoat parents

Adult Children with Cluster B personalities hurt parents and families. That is the simplest and most direct way to explain the challenges faced by parents of offspring who grow up to have full-blown Cluster B personalities. Whether a child suffered trauma or neglect as a youngster stops mattering so much or being an excuse for …

Cats competing for Treats

The unappreciative Narcissist uses and abuses People Pleasers religiously

Narcissists and narcissistic people, in general, are world-famous for being difficult personalities, but did you know they are — for the most part — intentionally unable to be pleased? It’s a defining characteristic of self-centered thinkers, the propensity to use and abuse those who show them the most hospitality relentlessly and without conscience. In the …

Guardian Ad Litem

Guardian Ad Litem programs help children survive custody battles

There is nothing more frustrating than being a kind, loving, and empathic parent and knowing that your child or children’s other biological half has a personality disorder. If you are struggling to keep your own head above water as a grown adult going through a difficult personal breakup, it’s hard enough. But seriously — when …

Cyber Bullying

Social and emotional effects of cyber bullying

Sipping my coffee on the porch this morning after a few hours of deep meditation and reflection, I decided to share a journal entry. Normally, the staff writers of “Narcissists, Sociopaths, and Flying Monkeys — Oh My!” on Facebook and here at strive to remain neutral in all situations, especially when creating articles and …

Parents abused by toxic children

When the kind parent is the targeted scapegoat

Cluster B parents, whether a mother or a father, love nothing more than using and abusing their romantic partner. But no betrayal of affection or trust cuts deeper than when a toxic parent actually teaches and encourages their offspring to disrespect, ridicule, and socially abuse the nicer parent of the bunch. When the kind parent …

Toxic Mother personality traits

100 most common personality traits of toxic mothers

Have you ever wondered if your mother or your Mother-In-Law was a toxic parent? Chances are you or your beloved romantic interest might be a Narcissistic Abuse survivor, raised by a self-centered, egotistical, vain, and ultimately self-aggrandizing mother. “Narcissistic mothers [and Mothers-In-Law] have a grandiose air about them…” shares self-love blogger Jenna Ryan. The following list …

Cognitive Distortion

What is Cognitive Distortion and how does it relate to Narcissistic Abuse?

What is Cognitive Distortion and how does it relate to Narcissistic Abuse? Cognitive distortion is a psychological term used to describe a person or group living under a distorted paradigm of belief. Narcissistic people who fall victim to people like stronger and more toxic gurus are typically the most guilty in the sheer statistical sense …

Power and Control Wheels

Common abuse tactics Abusers use to feel powerful and in control

Power and control are two things no self-respecting narcissistic person is willing to go without. Learn how to spot the warning signs a Cluster B person is lurking about. Narcissistic people or those who have Cluster B personality types are masters of making themselves feel powerful, typically at the expense of others. Known for being likened …

Copycat Stalker me and my shadow

Copycat cyber stalking a disturbing form of identity theft

Have you ever been totally creeped out by a person who copycats social media posts of other people while claiming insights, memes, and graphics were there own? Does it make you uneasy to see social media gurus and celebrities who fail to credit their sources, instead preferring to market other people’s original looks, art projects, …