Dark Triad triangulations Abuse by Proxy

Dark Triads use Abuse By Proxy tactics to enact revenge on Victims

When a Dark Triad personality asks you to help them shame, embarrass, stalk, or hunt down and abuse a target, keep your wits about you and do not buy into it. Decent human beings never seek to harm an ex-friend, estranged family member, or former love interest. Note that any person asking friends or people …

How to protect yourself against a Cluster B Parent

How to protect yourself emotionally (and legally) from Toxic Parents

If you are the child of a TOXIC PARENT, understand that as senior citizens with narcissistic personality types or Cluster B personality types age, they tend to get more verbally abusive and demanding. We had an interesting reader question asking about what can be done to protect an ADULT CHILD from being hurt by their …

Ruin Birthdays and Holidyas

Narcissists love to ruin birthdays, holidays, and special occasions

Narcissists and narcissistic people love nothing more than to ruin birthdays, holidays, and special occasions of sentimental import to other people. Why? Because the PTSD flashbacks they cause for targets, preferred scapegoats, and collateral damage victims grant the predator a virtual guarantee of a trophy, meaning with each person damaged and likely to remember the …

revenge obsession and vendetta stalking

Revenge Obsession likely cause of Psychopath’s Vendetta Stalking

What is Revenge Obsession? Vendetta Stalking is a sign of Revenge Obsession. It is an extreme form of Narcissistic Abuse conducted by the world’s most ruthless people. According to obsessive-ex.com, “In revenge cases, the Obsessive Ex wants the leaving partner to be punished or tormented. The Obsessor believes that the leaving partner deserves to be punished …

Obsessive Ex Syndrome

Obsessive Ex Syndrome, Erotomania claims, and Abuse By Proxy

Erotomania with relationship to Cluster B manufactured triangulation? Something the new partners of people with OBSESSIVE EX SYNDROME falsely accuse exes of having all the time. It is a belief that someone is in love with you (or your partner) based on an irrational or deluded belief that the obsessed person’s targeted scapegoat is in …

Denial is not a river in Egypt

Narcissistic people use denial as a brainwashing technique

What is denial? More importantly, what is Denial — the psychological term for openly denying have done, thought, or said something to another human being (especially in such a way that it provokes a triggering response from a target). To bait or provoke then wait for a response is considered antagonistic; it is a truly …

Daily Word Search Narcissistic Abuse

Daily Word Search Reminder: Read more about Narcissistic Abuse

What is Narcissistic Abuse? If you doubt yourself after being criticized or smear campaigned against by a gaslighting Narcissist who tells you that you are at fault for being abused or who denies hurting you, chances are you have experienced it firsthand. Doubt, confusion, feeling crazy, being perpetually frustrated while striving to communicate civilly with …

Narcissistic People exhibit Pack Mentality

Narcissistic personalities exhibit pack mentality like dangerous predators

Children of Narcissists who are emotionally sensitive or mature often times wonder why they tend to feel ostracized and picked on by their family members rather than included. The same questions arise for any child of a group with anti-social tendencies. The answer to why they feel so ridiculed and left out is because they …

movie about Gaslighting

Daily Word Search Reminder: Read more about Gaslighting

What is gaslighting? Gaslighting is a mind control or brainwashing technique in which the speaker strives to mislead. Word search rituals can help Narcissistic abuse victims transition more easily from a state of learned helplessness and conditioned PTSD to a position of mental, spiritual, and emotional health. By reminding themselves daily setting healthy boundaries is …

Toxic Family Values history and Origin

Toxic family values stem from Great-Grandparents life experiences

Toxic mothers are famous gaslighting professionals. So are toxic fathers and toxic grandparents. Wisdom taught to grandparents by their grandparents is passed down to their children by role modeling as well as through intentional oral transmission. In this way, toxic family values are handed down from generation to generation. The trouble with wisdom being handed …

Gaslight movie about Gaslighting

Gaslighting is Covert Narcissistic Abuse at its finest

What is Gaslighting? To any person just waking up, it is the essence of Narcissistic Abuse. It is a noun, verb, and adjective that has “become a thing” in pop culture self-help movements, a word used to describe a classification of social interaction, an actual physical activity, and it is a word that can be …

Cluster B Daily Word Search

Daily Word Search Reminder: Read more about Cluster B

What is Cluster B? It is a psychology term worth reading about daily. Word search rituals can help Narcissistic abuse victims more easily transition from a state of learned and conditioned helplessness to a position of mental, spiritual, and emotional health by reminding themselves daily that their Abuser abused them due to them having a …