Wondering what to expect at your first ALANON meeting? Here is a quick list of expectations directly from the source’s mouth, noting that attending ALANON meetings can help Narcissistic Abuse victims who feel they need for direct, personal, “face to face”, validated, experience-based social and moral support. But do have the presence of mind to …
What is the legal definition of a credible threat of violence?
What is the legal definition of a credible threat of violence? That depends on which country or state that you are living in, as the judiciary term is typically defined in such a way to best allow civil justice officials to effectively protect and defend constituents. Depending on how a country or state’s civil or …
Recovering from Narcissistic Abuse takes time and education
Recovering from Narcissistic Abuse is a time consuming academic, spiritual, psychological, and physical process. When people ask us how long will it take to recover from the sinking feeling they typically harbor in their gut or chest after having a run-in with a toxic personality type, we tend to ask readers, “That depends… how long …
Narcopath symptoms list includes bullying people who love holidays
Check this out… it’s a special event or important holiday season coming up and your favorite Narcissist with Sociopathic tendencies is at it again, ramping up to spoil yet another annual gathering of family and friends. Why do they do it? Because Narcopaths have massive impulse control issues, know the difference between right and wrong, …
Surviving holidays with the narcissistic Mother-in-Law
Surviving holidays like Mother’s Day (or family gatherings with the narcissistic Mother-in-Law on any ordinary day) can be a tough chore for any romantic partner. If that person is you, don’t lose hope. Seeking validation from the in-laws for being a wonderful support system for their ‘Golden Child’ is something wholly unnecessary to do. It’s …
Enablers who overlook children’s emotional needs Abuse by Proxy
Enabling one parent or both parents to neglect their child or children’s emotional needs is Abuse by Proxy. There… we finally came right out and said it. It’s a sad state of affairs when one parent consistently is put into the position of having to explain to a child or children why Mommy is always …
How to go Gray Rock from a moral and spiritual perspective
The most common question we have asked in our forums is how to go Gray Rock. Gray Rock is a technique that allows a person who is frustrated dealing with a toxic friend, spouse, coworker, stranger, client, or family member to successfully deal with the inevitable stress interacting with such individuals is inevitably likely to …
What is a Narcopath by definition?
What is a Narcopath by definition? It is a question people who read “Narcissists, Sociopaths, and Flying Monkeys — Oh My!” (TM) frequently ask our Facebook fan page mods behind the scenes in private messages. A Narcopath is the pop-psychology term for a person who shows all the signs of meeting diagnostic criteria for at …
Helicopter parenting is child abuse by enmeshed parents
Helicopter parenting is child abuse by enmeshed parents. Viewing children as an objectified extension of themselves, narcissistic mothers and fathers hell-bent on recreating a positive memory of “youth” for themselves socially, emotionally, and subsequently psychologically handicap their own children. “The term helicopter parent was first used in Dr. Haim Ginott’s 1969 book Parents & Teenagers by …
How to survive Mother’s Day with Mommy Dearest
If the idea of Mother’s Day fills you with dread because your own mother tends to act compulsively like Joan Crawford in “Mommy Dearest”, understand you are not alone. With over 12% of the human population meeting diagnostic criteria for having full-blown personality disorders like NPD, HPD, BPD, and ASPD, that’s a lot of prospectively …
Whistleblowers who expose family secrets risk losing everything
Whistleblowers are people who set aside their own personal safety, needs, special interests, and prospective gains to set right moral injustices. Revealing deep, dark secrets of places like the military and corporate establishments, many are accused of being traitors to their professional organizations. But what of those human beings who risk social, emotional, and even …
Sexual abuse of children and adults common for Dark Triad or Narcopath personality types
Serial sexual abusers tend to have Cluster B personalities that lean toward anti-social personality types. As the ultimate situational abusers, people who aggress, use, harm, or manipulate others into complying to have sex willingly (based on presenting themselves fraudulently as caring, loving, kind, or compassionate individuals) are incredibly Machiavellian and covertly narcissistic abusers. Whether people …
Adult Children with Cluster B personalities socially abuse and scapegoat parents
Adult Children with Cluster B personalities hurt parents and families. That is the simplest and most direct way to explain the challenges faced by parents of offspring who grow up to have full-blown Cluster B personalities. Whether a child suffered trauma or neglect as a youngster stops mattering so much or being an excuse for …
The unappreciative Narcissist uses and abuses People Pleasers religiously
Narcissists and narcissistic people, in general, are world-famous for being difficult personalities, but did you know they are — for the most part — intentionally unable to be pleased? It’s a defining characteristic of self-centered thinkers, the propensity to use and abuse those who show them the most hospitality relentlessly and without conscience. In the …
Guardian Ad Litem programs help children survive custody battles
There is nothing more frustrating than being a kind, loving, and empathic parent and knowing that your child or children’s other biological half has a personality disorder. If you are struggling to keep your own head above water as a grown adult going through a difficult personal breakup, it’s hard enough. But seriously — when …