Trauma Bonding the root cause of enabling

Trauma Bonding leads many Domestic Abuse victims to willfully enable

Trauma Bonding leads to many Domestic Abuse victims willfully enabling. Truly misguided by toxic social influences, young people who are told that enabling abuse is exhibiting unconditionally ‘loving” behavior tend to end up being romantically victimized by Cluster B Love Fraud predators. The Narcissistic abuse tactics use to foster Stockholm Syndrome affectations in other people …

Behaviors of Narcissists

List of narcissistic behaviors commonly symptomatic of Narcissism

Are you looking for a fast facts list of characteristics that will help you spot someone who is narcissistic — or a Narcissist — or (quite possibly) something [someone] with a more sinister nature? Consider the following list of characteristics of Narcissists posted by the folks over at Consider the following list of characteristics of …

Cluster B personality traits

Fast facts about how to spot people with Cluster B personality types

There are many kinds of personality disorders.  Here is a list of fast facts about people who are violent, malevolent, or socially aggressive. The focus of discussion on centers on examining the forensic psychology and behavior patterns of what is known as Cluster B personality types. Cluster B people are known for having unique, socially competitive, …

Mommy Dearest personality types are extremely abusive

How to spot an abusive female before, during, or after marriage

If you think only men are guilty of abusing their family, children, and romantic partners, you are likely to have been grossly misinformed or are dangerously uneducated about personality disorders. Cluster B females are just as prevalent in society as men, but many are able to fool the general public about their covert nature due to their male …

How dangerous is your Abuser

How physically dangerous is your Abuser?

How dangerous is YOUR abuser? If you are living with a Cluster B person, your life and health are unquestionably in everyday danger. People who choose to socially support social predators are in constant physical threat of being abused. Not only are stress injuries likely to result in the body of the person’s Enabler, at any moment they could be physically assaulted, permanently maimed, or …