Kindness matters

The enormous cost of being kind without setting healthy boundaries for Autistics, Empaths, and People Pleasers

The cost of being kind without setting healthy boundaries is grievous for Autistics, Empaths, and People Pleasers. One tends to become fiercely codependent without realizing it, leaving a wide-open opportunity for toxic people and Narcissistic Abuse purveyors to abuse goodwill and to mistreat hospitality. People on the Autism Spectrum are more than seven times as …

C-PTSD and Aspie workplace accommodations

Making C-PTSD and Aspie friendly workplace accommodations is great for business

Dear Employers from literally every large or small business or workplace venue on the planet, please consider the following list of recommendations for how to meet the medical as well as professional needs of people with Aspergers as a rudimentary template of how to support employees struggling with the impact of things like PTSD, seemingly …

The Study of Narcissism and Narcissistic Personality Disorders is not new. All the ancient civilization and myths traditions have offered warning advice about how to deal with social predators. Thanks to new advances in science and technology, finally human beings have a chance not only to be mindful about how they think but there is hope for a brighter future that includes all personality types in gaining ground using techniques learned during forward-thinking socialization without the toxic shame hindrance of striving for forced assimilation.

Neuroanatomy and the study of Narcissistic behavior

Neuroanatomy is not a boring subject to research; neither is the study of narcissistic behavior and/or Narcissistic Personality Disorder. It is smart, healthy, and socially prudent. The human mind has been evolving over time, and science can trace back its development only in the periphery. As such, studying the evolution of brain function is a …