Are you related to Morgan Plantagenet? Share your results from, 23andme, or MyHeritage (etcetera) testing with International Law Enforcement to help solve history’s most famous mysteries. If you are reading here today for the first time, Welcome. If not, Welcome Back — the movie with Julia Childs — is the next #ICHOMESCHOOL film you …

Narcissists groom Enablers to emulate Social Predators
Narcissists groom Enablers to abuse targeted victims as efficiently as they groom children and love interests to develop Cognitive Dissonance based Stockholm Syndrome.

What hurling insults reveals about the Verbal Abuser
Verbal Abusers reveal themselves when they bully others. It’s the ultimate con to hide their own insecurities by focusing people’s attention on their targets in order to distract them from noticing the flaws of the Social Predator.

When Inlaws Bully
When Inlaws bully a targeted spouse there is seldom, if ever, a winner. The adult child of the bully ends up far worse for wear, typically triangulated between affection for his or her love interest and children and a desire to please their irrational grandiose parent or parents who are abusing their own offspring’s choice …

How to emotionally deal with Toxic Inlaws
If your mate comes with Toxic Inlaws as baggage read this article as many times again as you need to over and over in order to figure out what to do to survive them.

Ad Hominem attacks mastered by Con Artists and Bullies
Ad Hominem abuse is commonly dished out by Con Artists and Bullies trying to avoid engaging with points in an argument. Stop esteeming their assertions if and when you are ready to be socially and emotionally done with them.

Gender bias a nurtured Narcissistic Abuse Tactic
On Gender Bias as a Narcissistic Abuse Tactic are included in this Narcissistic Abuse recovery article.

Stonewalling a common BPD conversational control tactic
Stonewalling is a common BPD tactic used to control conversation and mood of targeted parties. Here are a few of our thoughts about what it is, why it happens, and how to spot it so you can choose whether to indulge or to stop it.

What to do if your In-laws do not like you
Do you suspect your In-laws do not like or appreciate you? When our In-Laws do not like us it hurts. Here are some generalized insights to help you understand what they are actually doing to you and their offspring if and when they are targeting you or your family for social harm or exclusion. Narcissistic …

When In-laws Smear Campaigning negatively impacts a marriage
Are you the victim of a smear campaign against you or your mate being run by an In-law? If yes, we are so immensly sorry to hear that you are, but we do want you to know that you are not alone if you feel overwhelmed by grief and feelings of toxic shame about the …

Why Toxic Family members act like serial bullies toward targeted Inlaws
Have you been targeted for romantic relationship destruction by an Inlaw? Ever wonder why? Because knowing the answer to that very question about their motivation can help you go gray rock and to detach yourself from feeling the need to respond when and if their baiting, provocative, or outright overt or covert deplorable behavior cyclically …

Alcoholics encourage other people to drink; refuse to Enable their dysfunction
Take charge of your social and emotional life related to alcohol. Alcohol is a genetic solvent. It causes Object Permanence Syndrome delusion and decays human’s ability to reason morally, ethically, or in any way situationally.

Why Narcissists speak in glittering generalities
Glittering Words are key terms and phrases that a Narcissist uses to position themselves or their products in ways that appear to be socially competitive and above. It’s a form of sales that utilizes Stage Hypnosis tactics to build prestige into a product.

What happens to an Aging Narcissist when they reach Senior Citizen status?
Narcissists never get better as they age with regard to becoming more kind, socially supportive, and or empathetic and mature people. Their EQ limitations on a medical level leave 100% of their personality types functionally as well as logially emotionally disabled.

What is BPD: Symptoms, Common Comorbid Conditions, and Diagnostic Options
Borderline Personality Disorder, also known as BPD, is a psychological condition commonly referred to as a type of nurtured Cluster B disorder. The neurological affectation is characterized by the problematic person’s behavior.