Somatic Narcissists

Somatic Narcissists are obsessed with appearance and status

Somatic Narcissists are obsessed with appearance. They only care about looks, money, and the perception of status. On a plus note, they are super easy to spot and manipulate psychologically and emotionally by complimenting them constantly and supporting their self-limiting belief that they are the center of the world, entitled consistently to the best. The …

Can a Narcissist of Narcopath Love

Can Narcopaths, Sociopaths, or Psychopaths actually love?

Can narcissistic people with any variation of Anti-Social Personality Disorder like Narcopaths, Sociopaths, or Psychopaths love other people? The short version of the answer is sort of — but not really. Cluster B personality types perceive the world in a very different way than most people. They are capable of mirroring whatever quality you want …

Selfie Taking Narcissist

How to know whether or not a person posting selfies is Narcissistic

What is the deal with Narcissists and selfie posting? It is one thing to keep your “proof of life” life history photos up to date and accurate. It is entirely another if every time you post a photo it is with the express desire of DUPING SOMEBODY with your creative ME ME ME “great” self-promoting …

Dark Triad triangulations Abuse by Proxy

Dark Triads use Abuse By Proxy tactics to enact revenge on Victims

When a Dark Triad personality asks you to help them shame, embarrass, stalk, or hunt down and abuse a target, keep your wits about you and do not buy into it. Decent human beings never seek to harm an ex-friend, estranged family member, or former love interest. Note that any person asking friends or people …

How to protect yourself against a Cluster B Parent

How to protect yourself emotionally (and legally) from Toxic Parents

If you are the child of a TOXIC PARENT, understand that as senior citizens with narcissistic personality types or Cluster B personality types age, they tend to get more verbally abusive and demanding. We had an interesting reader question asking about what can be done to protect an ADULT CHILD from being hurt by their …

Ruin Birthdays and Holidyas

Narcissists love to ruin birthdays, holidays, and special occasions

Narcissists and narcissistic people love nothing more than to ruin birthdays, holidays, and special occasions of sentimental import to other people. Why? Because the PTSD flashbacks they cause for targets, preferred scapegoats, and collateral damage victims grant the predator a virtual guarantee of a trophy, meaning with each person damaged and likely to remember the …