Parent abuse by Alienation

Surviving Parental Alienation during special events, holidays, and birthdays

Surviving Parental Alienation during special events, holidays, and birthdays with grace, style, and comfort is indeed possible but it takes planning, effort, and a willingness to feel rather than to avoid intense self-reflection and experiencing complex emotion. If you have been placed into the parental discard pile by an alienated adult or mature age child …

July 4th

Fireworks, the Fourth of July, and the Holiday Sabotage

Fourth of July holidays are an American tradition complete with fireworks in nearly every town, city area, and community in the country. The issue to be celebrated is supposed to be INDEPENDENCE. The problem is, in homes ruled by overbearing and domineering or unpleasable people, many family members feel like they are being held hostage …

Love Fraud victims not laughing on April Fools Day

When your romantic relationship feels like a joke (but it’s not April Fool’s Day)

Are you the victim of a Love Fraud predator? Were you tricked emotionally into trusting someone who turned out to be nothing more than an abusive romantic game player or a serial cheater? If the answer to any of those questions is yes, welcome to Narcissistic Abuse recovery for people-pleasers. April Fools day is what …

Love Fraud Valentines

Surviving Holiday PTSD related to Valentine’s Day

Does hearing ‘Happy Valentine’s Day!’ sound more like an exclamation of a curse to your ears than an actual message meant to inspire feelings of emotional security when it comes to romance? You are likely to have been the victim of a Love Fraud predator — one who additionally specializes in a Narcissistic Abuse tactic …

New Years Resolution examples

43 New Years Resolutions that support Narcissistic Abuse recovery

Are you looking for ideas for New Year’s Resolutions to make that will assist you with Narcissistic Abuse recovery? Here’s a list of springboard ideas with phrases to mull over and decide if they might be a linguistic or energetic pro-social fit. Let everyone else worry about things like what they look like externally. Keep your …

Understanding Holiday PTSD in the context of social trauma exposure

Understanding Holiday PTSD can help special event lovers depersonalize situational abuse

What is Holiday PTSD? If you have it you know it… but if one of your relatives or a love interests has it, you might not intellectually realize it that they do. Understanding Holiday PTSD in the context of social trauma exposure is crucial to socially supporting oneself as well as triggered others. Holiday PTSD …


There’s always something to be thankful for in Narcissistic Abuse recovery

There is always something to be grateful for in Narcissistic Abuse recovery. Some days it is finding just the right Gratitude Rock following Law of Attraction theory, other times it is being grateful to have something wonderful or small and comforting in your immediate environment. As the Thanksgiving holiday season approaches and the time to …

Narcopaths hate holidays and birthdays

Narcopath symptoms list includes bullying people who love holidays

Check this out… it’s a special event or important holiday season coming up and your favorite Narcissist with Sociopathic tendencies is at it again, ramping up to spoil yet another annual gathering of family and friends. Why do they do it? Because Narcopaths have massive impulse control issues, know the difference between right and wrong, …

Holidays with Toxic Mother in Law

Surviving holidays with the narcissistic Mother-in-Law

Surviving holidays like Mother’s Day (or family gatherings with the narcissistic Mother-in-Law on any ordinary day) can be a tough chore for any romantic partner. If that person is you, don’t lose hope. Seeking validation from the in-laws for being a wonderful support system for their ‘Golden Child’ is something wholly unnecessary to do. It’s …

Ruin Birthdays and Holidyas

Narcissists love to ruin birthdays, holidays, and special occasions

Narcissists and narcissistic people love nothing more than to ruin birthdays, holidays, and special occasions of sentimental import to other people. Why? Because the PTSD flashbacks they cause for targets, preferred scapegoats, and collateral damage victims grant the predator a virtual guarantee of a trophy, meaning with each person damaged and likely to remember the …

What motivates Cluster B personalities

Why narcissistic people are worse around the holidays in general

Narcissistic people are worse around the holidays in general. If you are being told that you are over-sensitive, imagining things, or do not have a sense of humor when and if you have taken their bait and reacted to their attention-seeking tactics, understand you have just been used as what is known as a “Narcissistic …

Somatic Narcissist Christmas

Somatic Narcissists love to compete for status during holiday season

Why do narcissistic people and Somatic Narcissists really celebrate holidays like Christmas? To fool everyone by tricking them into believing they are normal, kind, loving, and good-natured human beings, of course. Learn to spot the warning sign a “narcy” or mean-spirited Grinch is pulling off a “great pretender” con. Obsessed with status, aesthetic ideals, and …