Am I acting or thinking like a Co-Dependent person? If you use people as a means to an end — choosing to enable predatory people for personal comfort or gain — understanding you are acting and thinking like a pirate is one way to break the toxic malformed-NLP-inspired cycle. Here, proffered — a list …
What to expect from an abusive romantic partner if you choose to enable
Are you wondering what to expect from abusive romantic partners if you choose to enable abuse over time? Expect the same patterns of Narcissistic Abuse to be followed as they seek to love-bomb, then to devalue, discard, and come back around to hoover and honeymoon when their other love interests figure out they are a …
Are you the victim of a Domestic Abuser?
Are you the victim of an Abuser or a cunning linguist acting like a socially successful but ultimately predatory Covert Abuse Enabler? If you are not 100% sure — do worry. Listening to the wrong people in life can not only cost you things like pride, dignity, and finances but it can rob you of …
Why Dark Triads manufacture chaos while attention seeking
Dark Triads have no original ideas. If you tell them as an advocate what the best thing to do is to minimize duress for others and to net gain them praise, they will be compelled by nature to take in what you say but by freewill choice will do exactly the opposite of whatever it …
When Mommy Dearest demands attention by manufacturing chaos and triangulating
When Mommy Dearest demands attention by manufacturing chaos and triangulating, expect the world around her to literally be expected to stop spinning. Mommy Dearest wants not only her offspring but anyone who knows her to truly believe their personal needs and desires will never matter as much as the social obligation to indulge her every …
Child Abuse victims often misdiagnosed with BPD instead of C-PTSD
Dearest child abuse victims who have been hung with the label of Borderline Personality Disorder by therapists who were under-informed and paid by wealthy parents to enable. Please understand we are not, not, not saying that an abused child cannot grow up to develop BPD or to become an Abuser… but what we are saying …
Mocking is a covert and subtle form of overt verbal assault
Mocking is a subtle form of verbal assault. The victim is traumatized by the initial attack, then typically invalidated and left with emotional and psychological pain left unresolved and creating in them (and them alone) physical stress likely to be at the core of most illnesses. How many times have you been put down by …
Advice for grandparents of children victimized by High Conflict Divorce
Once upon a time, we had several hundred different emails all asking the same question. Namely, what should a grandparent do if their grandchild is being raised by someone they consider to be morally or socially unfit to be a parent. Here is the deal. The more you antagonize your own offspring’s romantic partner(s), the …
Common justifications abuse victims tend to give for willful enabling
The following list of reasons why people with Dependent Personality Disorders enable has been excerpted from Psych Central. Do we agree with all their assessment and clinical observation based hypothetical assertions entirely? No. The article features common traits of most adult children raised by toxic families — especially when drug or alcohol abuse issues tend to dominate the …
Surviving Mother’s Day or Father’s Day as an Alienated Parent
This post is not the typical bitter, toxic parent rant about why a mature age or adult child who is estranged fails to surface, call, or come home for the holidays. It is honest advice about how to think rationally about your relationship to offspring if they are the product of a toxic family situation… …
How to spot an abusive personality type prone to violence
Are you involved with a person who is verbally combative and prone to violence — but only when there are no witnesses present who might vouch for and/or assist their victim or your Abuser is surrounded by their Flying Monkey Enablers? Are you unsure about how to spot an abusive personality type that is prone …
Trauma Bonding leads many Domestic Abuse victims to willfully enable
Trauma Bonding leads to many Domestic Abuse victims willfully enabling. Truly misguided by toxic social influences, young people who are told that enabling abuse is exhibiting unconditionally ‘loving” behavior tend to end up being romantically victimized by Cluster B Love Fraud predators. The Narcissistic abuse tactics use to foster Stockholm Syndrome affectations in other people …
List of narcissistic behaviors commonly symptomatic of Narcissism
Are you looking for a fast facts list of characteristics that will help you spot someone who is narcissistic — or a Narcissist — or (quite possibly) something [someone] with a more sinister nature? Consider the following list of characteristics of Narcissists posted by the folks over at Consider the following list of characteristics of …
Fast facts about how to spot people with Cluster B personality types
There are many kinds of personality disorders. Here is a list of fast facts about people who are violent, malevolent, or socially aggressive. The focus of discussion on centers on examining the forensic psychology and behavior patterns of what is known as Cluster B personality types. Cluster B people are known for having unique, socially competitive, …
How to spot an abusive female before, during, or after marriage
If you think only men are guilty of abusing their family, children, and romantic partners, you are likely to have been grossly misinformed or are dangerously uneducated about personality disorders. Cluster B females are just as prevalent in society as men, but many are able to fool the general public about their covert nature due to their male …