Are you a victim of Domestic Violence?
Classic Self-Help Literature, This Just In

Are you the victim of a Domestic Abuser?

Are you the victim of an Abuser or a cunning linguist acting like a socially successful but ultimately predatory Covert Abuse Enabler?

If you are not 100% sure — do worry. Listening to the wrong people in life can not only cost you things like pride, dignity, and finances but it can rob you of your health while doing permanent damage to your most important relationships.

Believing that the problem is not the abuse itself or the Abuser’s toxic personality type is the number one life mistake Narcissistic Abuse targets tend to make. What you think about yourself and how you define civic morality has the ability to truly psychologically make or break a victim of trauma caused by abuse.

What you don’t have confirmed or validated by an outside expert as an abuse incident can actually be even more unsettling and dangerous to your overall well-being and psychological health.

The following piece of “Classic Literature” lists a set of telltale signs indicating abuse and or that a target — meaning an abuse victim — has in fact been socially manipulated, abused, misled, or neglected.

Sourced from the Clark Country Prosecutor’s office, the list explains common domestic violence issues that many individuals destined to endure high conflict divorce scenarios are likely to feel, experience, or to be forced by a toxic partner and their Flying Monkeys to have to suffer through at the hands of as well as directly from their Abuser.

If you recognize yourself or someone you know being described on this list as a target, preferred scapegoat, or ongoing victim of someone suffering from a Vendetta Agenda or Obsessed Ex Syndrome — please do take a moment to discreetly pass on the link to

The reason Abusers are so fiscally as well as socially “successful” in life is that they convince their abuse victims to keep their secrets.

Break the silence in a safe manner about issues like workplace bullying and domestic violence in order to protect yourself, first and foremost, but also to prevent people like Con Artists and Love Fraud Predators from succeeding in duping and subsequently using and abusing targeted people.

Are you a Victim of Domestic Violence?

1. Is your partner threatening or violent towards you or the children?

2. Do you find yourself making excuses or minimizing your partner’s behavior?

3. Do you feel completely controlled by your partner?

4. Do you feel helpless, trapped, alone, and isolated?

5. Do you blame yourself for the violence?

6. Does your partner blame you and tell you that you are the cause of all his problems?

7. Do you blame the violence on stress, on drugs/alcohol, or a bad childhood?

8. Does your partner constantly accuse you of having affairs when he can’t account for 100% of your time? Does he tell you jealousy is a sign of love?

9. Do you fear going home?

10. Are you limited in your freedom like a child? (Go to the store and come straight home. It should take you 15 minutes.)

11. Do you find yourself lying to hide your partner’s real behavior (for example, saying you fell down the stairs when actually you were pushed)?

12. Are you embarrassed or humiliated by your partner in an effort to control your behavior, especially in public?

13. Does your partner abandon you, leave you places, or lock you out?

14. Does your partner hide your keys, mail, or other important papers?

Break the silence about social bullying and domestic violence.

Connect the Dots
How to spot a Narcopath or Narcissist lying

Refuse to keep secrets for abusive people. They count on their Enablers to help them hide their true nature for the sake of themselves only — and for the highest and greatest good of all social predators.

Believe in yourself enough to trust your own gut. If you believe a gaslighting expert that you are a bad person for refusing to tolerate neglect or abuse from a romantic partner or person with a vested interest in keeping you (as a prospective Whistleblower quiet), understand you have been successfully requited, brainwashed, and groomed to be a willing Narcissistic Supply source for what is typically the primary abuser and their “pack” of supporters.

Your life and physical health depend on realizing A) that a person who you know and love that exhibits traits of social aggression is more than likely a Cluster B personality type and B) ending social and emotional attachment to any peer or person who strives to break you psychologically and metaphysically into capitulating to their irrational and arguably psychopathic exposure to trauma bonding rituals.

The next time they physically start to pull away, see it as your opportunity to physically, emotionally, or psychologically to escape. Plan your exit strategy to the best of your ability but always prioritize emotional well being and physical safety over any pet, object, or item of personal property.

If you decide to flee, consider yourself fortunate if you happen to get away fully dressed and wearing shoes. Anything else you are able to take with you or to save should simply be considered a blessing in the very same way a foodie appreciates tasty fondant on a cake.

Plato's Stunt Double

DISCLOSURE: The author of this post is in no way offering professional advice or psychiatric counseling services. Please contact your local authorities IMMEDIATELY if you feel you are in danger. If you suspect your partner, a loved one, co-worker, or family member has a Cluster B personality disorder, contact your local victim's advocate or domestic violence shelter for more information about how to protect your rights legally and to discuss the potential benefits or dangers of electing to go "no contact" with your abuser(s). Due to the nature of this website's content, we prefer to keep our writer's names ANONYMOUS. Please contact directly to discuss content posted on this website, make special requests, or share your confidential story about Narcissistic Abuse with our staff writers. All correspondence will be kept strictly confidential.

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