Magical Thinking example

Magical Thinking reflects Narcissism in Co-Dependent personalities

Magical thinking is more than positive thinking. It is not simply daydreaming or “pipe dreaming” as some people might claim. According to Wikipedia, “Magical thinking is the attribution of causal or synchronistic relationships between actions and events which seemingly cannot be justified by reason and observation.” Further, Psychology Today notes evidence of Magical thinking springs …

Living with Sid from Toy Story

Dark Triad victims end up feeling like Sid’s Mutant Toys

Dark Triad abuse victims tend to feel like mutant toys after being abused and bullied. A shadow of their former selves, many are left financially incapacitated, in poor physical health, and suffering from extreme forms of social isolation after being tortured, blamed, shamed, bullied in public as well as private, sexually traumatized, and socially humiliated. …

Goodbye Toxic Friends

Saying goodbye to toxic friends an important milestone in Abuse Recovery

Saying Goodbye to Toxic Friends is an important Narcissistic Abuse recovery step. Toxic friends — these are people who put their own special interests, need for attention, and control-seeking desires ahead of that of the people closest to them in a friendship circle. How do you spot them and what do you do if and …

Cluster B poker tells for Borderline and Histrionic

Histrionic and Borderline Personality Disorder poker tells revealed

“They” say you can never win by arguing with someone that has a narcissistic personality type or disorder. I didn’t even want to win. I just wanted normal, rational adult behavior. The Cluster B person only wants to succeed in traumatizing any person or peer group with whom they manufacture competition. But their covert nature and hidden …

Somatic Narcissism, Triangulation, Serial Cheating, and Sexual Sadism

Serial Cheaters, Somatic Narcissists, and Sadists manufacture triangulation

Men and women from all walks of life — including ages and socio-economic class stereotypes — have cheated on their romantic partners, it is true. But what few people know or realize about cheaters is an average person can be conned into participating in a Love Fraud relationship or be brainwashed by a Cluster B …


Famous circus owner P.T. Barnum has oftentimes been misquoted as the author of the phrase, “There’s a sucker born every minute.” That quote more than likely originated from the work of a businessman named David Hannum, but Barnum appropriated it and has typically in pop culture history been noted for saying it. Barnum himself was …

Malignant Narcissism

Malignant Narcissists use their own social insecurity as justification to bully

Malignant Narcissists use their own social insecurity as justification to bully people they consider Narcissistic Rivals. The person being targeted for abuse seldom knows why they are being scapegoated, socially targeted for destruction, or why their abuser persistently cyberbullies. Why? Because above all else, narcissistic people fear losing prestige and personal power socially. Narcissistic behavior …

Monty Python's Black Knight a Narcissistic Abuse Victim

Flying Monkeys lie and say Narcissistic Abuse heals over time

Narcissistic Abuse recovery happens with education — not over TIME. Learn how to spot the warning signs you are being abused and make a different choice about who to spend your time with and how you really want to live out the remaining days of the rest of your natural-born, God-given (not “parent provided”) life. …

Cognitive Dissonance fueled by Cognitive Distortions

Cognitive Dissonance is an extreme form of Cognitive Distortion

Cognitive Dissonance is an extreme form of Cognitive Distortion commonly suffered by children of toxic parents and “love fraud” victims. People who enable abuse tend to suffer from Cognitive Dissonance, believing their Abuser has many good qualities that override any evidence they are at all abusive. A victim or enabler tends to treat the Abuser …

How to avoid being manipulated by a Narcissist or narcissistic people

How to avoid being manipulated by narcissistic people

Wondering how to avoid being manipulated by narcissistic people? The answer is far simpler than most Narcissistic Abuse victims ever expect. The trick is to educate yourself about the red flags and warning symptoms a person has a Cluster B personality disorder and then learn to observe and make mental notes rather than electing to …

Psychopathic stare or Sociopath Stare red flag ASPD

Sociopath Stare and Psychopath Eyes major red flags of personality disorder

When a Sociopath stares, it is known as giving people “The Look”. It is a true psychological predictor of Anti-Social tendencies, known as the “Sociopathic Stare” in self-help and academic themed psychology circles. All people with traits of Anti-Social Personality Disorder tend to give other people the look or sociopathic stare for a variety of …

Gaslighting is Narcissistic Abuse

Gaslighting a common sign of Narcissism, Narcopathy, and Enabling

Gaslighting — unquestionably one of the cruelest mental and emotional abuse tricks played on targeted scapegoats and preferred Narcissistic Abuse victims by social predators. But what IS gaslighting and how do you spot the mind game when and if it is being played by an Abuser or an Abuse Enabler? Gaslighting is covert Narcissistic Abuse …

Embrace the NOW and refuse to be a Scapegoat Target for people who abuse

Spiritual musings for people with C-PTSD and targeted scapegoats

Happiness depends on ourselves, especially as targeted scapegoats. It does not matter who hurt you, who does not like you, or who does not approve of a single, solitary thing we say, think, believe, “intend”, mean, or do. For better or for worse, our spiritual happiness depends solely on ourselves as people. No circumstance or …

Cyber Bullying

Social and emotional effects of cyber bullying

Sipping my coffee on the porch this morning after a few hours of deep meditation and reflection, I decided to share a journal entry. Normally, the staff writers of “Narcissists, Sociopaths, and Flying Monkeys — Oh My!” on Facebook and here at strive to remain neutral in all situations, especially when creating articles and …

Parents abused by toxic children

When the kind parent is the targeted scapegoat

Cluster B parents, whether a mother or a father, love nothing more than using and abusing their romantic partner. But no betrayal of affection or trust cuts deeper than when a toxic parent actually teaches and encourages their offspring to disrespect, ridicule, and socially abuse the nicer parent of the bunch. When the kind parent …