Parental Alienation shames half of childrens genetics

When Step-Parents strive to alienate children from biological parents everyone loses

When a clingy, co-dependent, and or socially anxious and insecure Step-Parent strives to alienate children and grandchildren from biological parents it’s Narcissistic Abuse, plain and simple. Do not spend another moment of time wondering if Parental Alienation by a Step-Parent is inappropriate for them to strive to create as an outcome between any age child …


Deception by Doublespeak a Dark Triad tactic used to abuse Hospitality

Deception using Doublespeak to mislead other humans into taking verbal bait and self-harming is one of the most commonly deployed verbal abuse tactics on the planet. Whether someone is two years old lying about whether or not they took cookies out of a jar and ate them without permission or they are 70 plus years-old …

What is a Baiter? Dr Phil knows

What is a Baiter? According to self-help guru Dr. Phil, a Baiter is a Provocateur who has no goodwill intention behind provocative behavior.  A Baiter is a provocateur interested in harming and annoying targeted people. They are socially combative, untrustworthy socially, and typically leaving everyone with whom they socialize feeling emotionally drained and physically exhausted …

Collapsed Narcissists are big babies

Collapsed Narcissism and the Toxic Adult Child Mentality

What is Collapsed Narcissism? Collapsed Narcissists are big babies prone to behaving in ways that are rooted in nurtured covetous passive aggression.  Expect all Collapsed Narcissists to be socially competitive with other human beings for social resources, material goods, things like money, and for attention. But not normal competitors — they tend to loathe and …