Narcissists groom Enablers to abuse targeted victims as efficiently as they groom children and love interests to develop Cognitive Dissonance based Stockholm Syndrome.

Narcissists groom Enablers to abuse targeted victims as efficiently as they groom children and love interests to develop Cognitive Dissonance based Stockholm Syndrome.
Glittering Words are key terms and phrases that a Narcissist uses to position themselves or their products in ways that appear to be socially competitive and above. It’s a form of sales that utilizes Stage Hypnosis tactics to build prestige into a product.
Deception using Doublespeak to mislead other humans into taking verbal bait and self-harming is one of the most commonly deployed verbal abuse tactics on the planet. Whether someone is two years old lying about whether or not they took cookies out of a jar and ate them without permission or they are 70 plus years-old …
What is Collapsed Narcissism? Collapsed Narcissists are big babies prone to behaving in ways that are rooted in nurtured covetous passive aggression. Expect all Collapsed Narcissists to be socially competitive with other human beings for social resources, material goods, things like money, and for attention. But not normal competitors — they tend to loathe and …
Enough is never enough for a Glutton; and Cluster B people in general and by definition are socially, (typically) fiscally, and emotionally gluttonous. Here is what you need to know and understand in order to deal with that type of person or peer group in the 21st century and polite society. First of all, if …
Wondering how to spot someone acting Machiavellian and Anti-Social behind your back? Look for the person who is in all the right social circles, who has established a presence as a trustworthy person working between all parties for the common good, and wait for the mask to slip the first time they don’t get their …
Pathological Liars and Enablers seek to triangulate other humans. It is actual covert social and physical abuse of everyone’s hospitality. Pathological liars tend to be experts at gaslighting. They lie to and about other people in order to strategically manipulate with the hopes of gaining social advantage. Why do they do it? To obscure the …
Are you looking for a fast facts list of characteristics that will help you spot someone who is narcissistic — or a Narcissist — or (quite possibly) something [someone] with a more sinister nature? Consider the following list of characteristics of Narcissists posted by the folks over at Consider the following list of characteristics of …
Deflection, by definition, is a Narcissistic Abuse tactic used to frustrate and psychologically control the mind and emotions of a targeted victim. Deflecting an argument by refusing to engage with the subject matter at hand is an age-old trick Cluster B people use on others and strive to teach their offspring to enjoy as a conversational …
Accommodation versus Enabling: what’s the difference? Everything — if you ask a psychologist, philosopher, historian, forensic psychology analyst, or cunning linguist. The difference between making an accommodation and enabling is as different as comparing oranges to Cadillacs, as enabling reflects social strategizing while accommodating reflects a horizontal thinker’s desire to let a beneficiary know they …
He who shall not be named is a homegrown terrorist of the Archie Bunker, psychic vampire type. J.K. Rowling got it right. A narcissistic, egocentric, grandiose blame-shifter who fails to value or appreciate human traits like kindness, goodwill, or emotional sensitivity to other people’s needs while being fiercely envious of happy people, their goal is to …
Gaslighting — unquestionably one of the cruelest mental and emotional abuse tricks played on targeted scapegoats and preferred Narcissistic Abuse victims by social predators. But what IS gaslighting and how do you spot the mind game when and if it is being played by an Abuser or an Abuse Enabler? Gaslighting is covert Narcissistic Abuse …
Introverted Narcissists do exist — and many pose as shy people but have a chip on their shoulder. Learn how to spot the warning signs you are in the midst of an overt Narcissist or covert predator. Introverted Narcissists are socially reclusive, grandiose, hateful people who tend to believe they are far smarter or better …
Narcissists and Sociopaths compulsively strive to groom their victims for use and abuse. It is true — they are constantly striving to improve the quality of their diet as emotional vampires, compulsively inclined to play with their food. Here is more about what to look for in interpersonal dynamics between human beings when one person …
What is denial? More importantly, what is Denial — the psychological term for openly denying have done, thought, or said something to another human being (especially in such a way that it provokes a triggering response from a target). To bait or provoke then wait for a response is considered antagonistic; it is a truly …