The difference between Pathological Envy and Jealousy is… the only subject of note in this article.

The difference between Pathological Envy and Jealousy is… the only subject of note in this article.
Surviving Parental Alienation during special events, holidays, and birthdays with grace, style, and comfort is indeed possible but it takes planning, effort, and a willingness to feel rather than to avoid intense self-reflection and experiencing complex emotion. If you have been placed into the parental discard pile by an alienated adult or mature age child …
Autism Spectrum, Gifted, and Talented people relax — you aren’t Cluster B unless your brain scan shows repressed empathy.
The cost of being kind without setting healthy boundaries is grievous for Autistics, Empaths, and People Pleasers. One tends to become fiercely codependent without realizing it, leaving a wide-open opportunity for toxic people and Narcissistic Abuse purveyors to abuse goodwill and to mistreat hospitality. People on the Autism Spectrum are more than seven times as …
Narcissists’ morals and ethics are adaptive to their immediate needs. Make no mistake about it — it is NOT the same thing, exactly, as simple hypocrisy. It is pervasive gaslighting with the intent to commit profound and comprehensive social fraud. Pretending to have morals in line with the rest of society in public then behaving …
When alcohol ruins your special event, it is seldom a happy memory creating circumstance. Actually, people getting drunk and abusing their friends, love interests, and family members at holiday parties is the most reported cause of Holiday PTSD for more than one nation’s worth of family units. People who drink can be a real menace. …
[A poem.] Malignant Somatic Nurtured Narcopaths are socially violent personality types. Malignant Somatic Nurtured Narcopaths are socially violent personality types who love nothing more than drilling holes in the bottom of social lifeboats. Malignant Somatic Nurtured Narcopaths are socially violent personality types who love nothing more than drilling holes in the bottom of social lifeboats …
Recovering from a smear campaign takes time, mindful gray rock techniques, education, and ruthless self-examination. It is possible to do, in theory, but the process seldom feels like something warm and fuzzy. Smear Campaigning is the art of targeting a Narcissistic Rival — with or without their knowledge — for social harm and intentional infliction …
Emotional Abuse cycles oftentimes follow the same pattern of escalation as physical abuse incidents. It is easy to understand the cycle of Narcissistic Abuse involved in proper context once one understands that people who abuse the emotions and hospitality of others tend to do so by habit whenever they themselves are experiencing emotional dysregulation. How …
Narcissistic Abuse in relationships leads to the formation of wholly preventable stress-related illnesses. It’s a medical fact — one that should be taken as a serious risk to national as well as to global security. C-PTSD and its symptoms cost every nation and country not only the social and mental health of their citizenry, but …
Why do Cluster B people lie? It’s the most common question people who have been lied to and about tend to ask people they trust. When people victimized by social predators ask, “Why do they lie?” understand it’s because their mind and body are aware that truth matters. Not because they are intellectually deficient. People …
Wondering how to spot someone acting Machiavellian and Anti-Social behind your back? Look for the person who is in all the right social circles, who has established a presence as a trustworthy person working between all parties for the common good, and wait for the mask to slip the first time they don’t get their …
Stall tactics — also known as Distraction Tactics — are a Machiavellian strategy. Deployed to harm, it is obvious that it is the destructive interruption of someone’s time in order to produce a negative result for the targeted mark. Used for pro-social reasons, someone might use a stall tactic to ease (rather than to heighten) …
Surviving High Conflict Divorce without alienating your child from their co-parent. It’s the task and challenge at hand for non-Cluster B people who have been targeted for pervasive social, emotional, spiritual, and likely financial abuse by a socially competitive and likely irrational and profoundly disgruntled “rejected suitor” of an ex. Once in a while over …
Pathological Liars and Enablers seek to triangulate other humans. It is actual covert social and physical abuse of everyone’s hospitality. Pathological liars tend to be experts at gaslighting. They lie to and about other people in order to strategically manipulate with the hopes of gaining social advantage. Why do they do it? To obscure the …