Verbal Abusers reveal themselves when they bully others. It’s the ultimate con to hide their own insecurities by focusing people’s attention on their targets in order to distract them from noticing the flaws of the Social Predator.
When Inlaws Bully
When Inlaws bully a targeted spouse there is seldom, if ever, a winner. The adult child of the bully ends up far worse for wear, typically triangulated between affection for his or her love interest and children and a desire to please their irrational grandiose parent or parents who are abusing their own offspring’s choice …
Ad Hominem attacks mastered by Con Artists and Bullies
Ad Hominem abuse is commonly dished out by Con Artists and Bullies trying to avoid engaging with points in an argument. Stop esteeming their assertions if and when you are ready to be socially and emotionally done with them.
Why Toxic Family members act like serial bullies toward targeted Inlaws
Have you been targeted for romantic relationship destruction by an Inlaw? Ever wonder why? Because knowing the answer to that very question about their motivation can help you go gray rock and to detach yourself from feeling the need to respond when and if their baiting, provocative, or outright overt or covert deplorable behavior cyclically …
What is a Baiter? Dr Phil knows
What is a Baiter? According to self-help guru Dr. Phil, a Baiter is a Provocateur who has no goodwill intention behind provocative behavior. A Baiter is a provocateur interested in harming and annoying targeted people. They are socially combative, untrustworthy socially, and typically leaving everyone with whom they socialize feeling emotionally drained and physically exhausted …
The difference between Pathological Envy and Jealousy
The difference between Pathological Envy and Jealousy is… the only subject of note in this article.
Smear Campaigning against victims of social crime is witness tampering
Victims of social crime or violent sexual assault are the most common types of people that those who abuse launch smear campaigns against. But it is the people who carry on talking about the victim who are the real social predators — nothing more than Sadistic Voyeurs who act like hyenas while scavenger style picking …
Why Dark Triads manufacture chaos while attention seeking
Dark Triads have no original ideas. If you tell them as an advocate what the best thing to do is to minimize duress for others and to net gain them praise, they will be compelled by nature to take in what you say but by freewill choice will do exactly the opposite of whatever it …
Mocking is a covert and subtle form of overt verbal assault
Mocking is a subtle form of verbal assault. The victim is traumatized by the initial attack, then typically invalidated and left with emotional and psychological pain left unresolved and creating in them (and them alone) physical stress likely to be at the core of most illnesses. How many times have you been put down by …
How to spot an abusive personality type prone to violence
Are you involved with a person who is verbally combative and prone to violence — but only when there are no witnesses present who might vouch for and/or assist their victim or your Abuser is surrounded by their Flying Monkey Enablers? Are you unsure about how to spot an abusive personality type that is prone …
Deflection is a conversational control tactic used to frustrate and abuse
Deflection, by definition, is a Narcissistic Abuse tactic used to frustrate and psychologically control the mind and emotions of a targeted victim. Deflecting an argument by refusing to engage with the subject matter at hand is an age-old trick Cluster B people use on others and strive to teach their offspring to enjoy as a conversational …
An open letter from Abuse Advocates to all Abusers and Abuse Enablers
The following “Open letter from Abuse Advocates to all Abusers and Abuse Enablers” was shared with our team in response to the civic social crisis known as the election debacle of 2016. The CLUSTER B nation has risen using a blend of old-fashioned grassroots marketing, gaslighting, and smear campaigning coupled with a heavy push to …
Hurling insults reveals true nature of Flying Monkeys and Abuse Enablers
Have you ever tried to make a point in an argument with a narcissistic person or toxic thinker and had them respond to your valid point by failing to validate you, then hurling verbal assaults? It is a Machiavellian Narcissistic Abuse technique used by Cluster B characters when and if they know they are caught …
Social Identity Theft and Bullying the goal of many Copycat Stalkers
Is someone who is nuttier than a bag of squirrels copycat stalking while simultaneously striving to smear campaign against you? Here’s why it’s seriously bothersome and such an upsetting thing for a victim of an obsessed, vendetta-fueled, rage-a-holic to have to endure. Social Identity theft of another person’s persona and reputation is a form of …
What happens when the Schoolyard Bully or Mean Girl grows up
What happens when the Schoolyard Bully or Mean Girl grows up? Childhood bullies tend to become adults who bully. It is that simple. If a child has a biological predisposition to behaving abusively or aggressively in social environments, it’s a major red flag that they are likely to become active Abusers once they hit their adult years. …