Black Sheep

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Bah bah Black Sheep — have you any healthy members of your incredibly toxic family? If the answer is you are the most emotionally sane person in your family unit you already are likely to have been labeled a misfit or scapegoat and given the nickname Blacksheep and or The Family Scapegoat.

The Black Sheep of the family is the person who simply cannot roll with the punches their Cluster B nurtured or by nature typically ASPD family or groomed bunch of Malignant Narcissists dish out.

Blamed for everything the outcast from the family Inside Circle of Trust the person in the family typically is who has the highest IQ and EQ. They are feared and distrusted because — because — they are prone to seeking win-win solutions and striving for good.

Black Sheep of family units are known for being the emotionally sensitive type. If profoundly traumatized and an HSP or Empath, expect life and personality to take a dark turn until the individual realized that they lend far too much social and emotional credibility to the opinion of their toxic [typically birth] family unit.

Groomed to believe they are social misfits, doomed to social and likely physical failure, the scapegoated child cannot do anything right. A toxic parent or caregiver who is into triangulating treat the Black sheep of the family like the Court Jesters or Scullery Maids of life.

Common abuse tactics used to destroy a targeted child’s NLP include but are not limited to the use of cruel humor to mock, isolating the child to single it out for persecution like the human is an object or worthless animal to taunt, and to tell the individual constantly not only can they do nothing right but that whatever they try in life that they are likely destined to fail.

Mocking the Blacksheep is common mobbing practice for the toxic family that remains enmeshed in the cycle of Narcissistic Abuse and Social Predator active freewill choice enabling. Expect the loudest among the bullying faction to net gain the crooked tilt smile from every covert who enjoys physically watching other humans be hurt by ugly minded people using words like actual manually hefted projectiles.

Among the culture of people who end up leaving family because they [we] don’t fit in with our birth parents’ intellectual, spiritual, or emotional culture it’s commonly reported that those who have been the most profoundly smear campaigned against by family they left are some of the most sparkly and beautiful, kind, caring, compassionate, and ultimately pro-social and ethical people on the planet.

Understanding the difference between being a Traumatized Empath who goes low to no contact over the course of their life with toxic or abusive people in their biological family or birth family of origin and a child who has Oppositional Defiant Disorder or Conduct Disorder is key to overcoming toxic shaming of the self.

Good people leave Abusers. Codependent and unhealthy people stick around to enable the abuse and neglect of self and of others by mindful freewill choice no one is physically forcing them to make.

Remember — most people who are abused choose to be kind. Resist the urge to confuse the term Black Sheep as it’s used in self-help social circles with a child or wayward teen who is something like truant, violent, or prone to socially abusing.

Black Sheep are like the Ugly Duckling — destined to become something more than the sum of his or her parts once assembled more fully as an adult.

The less trauma exposure scapegoated and parental support neglected children and adults experience in life over time, the happier and healthier subjects tend to become over the course of their adulthood.

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DISCLOSURE: The author of this post is in no way offering professional advice or psychiatric counseling services. Please contact your local authorities IMMEDIATELY if you feel you are in danger. If you suspect your partner, a loved one, co-worker, or family member has a Cluster B personality disorder, contact your local victim's advocate or domestic violence shelter for more information about how to protect your rights legally and to discuss the potential benefits or dangers of electing to go "no contact" with your abuser(s). Due to the nature of this website's content, we prefer to keep our writer's names ANONYMOUS. Please contact directly to discuss content posted on this website, make special requests, or share your confidential story about Narcissistic Abuse with our staff writers. All correspondence will be kept strictly confidential.

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