Emotional Intelligence

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Emotional intelligence, occasionally referred to as (EI) but more commonly referred to in self-help social circles as emotional quotient (EQ), is a stipulative and scientifically measurable psychology term referring to the pro-social response of any human being when and if they are confronted with external social stimuli.

The capability of any human (while acting in severalty as a unique and socially distinct individual) to recognize their own emotions involves self-reflection. Observation of other people while striving to intuit their emotion is a second, necessary action of any emotionally intelligent person.

The ability to both self-reflect and to comprehend the states and unverbalized emotion of other human beings is an evolutionary skill set that is commonly found in people with highly sensitive emotional natures (also known as Highly Sensitive Personalities and/or HSP).

Those folks who have been severely traumatized, suffered at the hands of toxic parents, or who trauma bonded to Narcopathic role models for survival tend to be the polar opposite style of thinker than most who test high for EQ regularly.

Since one of the hallmarks of Cluster B personality types is virtually frozen neuroplasticity, no matter how high their IQ or amount of money they have in the bank, it will never help a vertical thinker comprehend that Empaths — a nickname for people who have high levels of EQ and are prone to horizontal (arguably spherical) thinking styles — are collaborative in their mindset, not socially competitive.

People who are emotionally intelligent know that for humans to attain community health and personal success, that it is simply more effective to work together. For that reason alone, they tend to strive to communicate effectively and value communication with others.

While a Narcissist, Social Predator like an ASPD person, or a peer group prone to behaving in a cultish fashion to exclude and dehumanize social targets see nearly every social interaction with friends, strangers, love interests, co-workers, children, or family members as social competition, the horizontal thinkers instead see socializing as an opportunity to collaborate, to learn something new, to communicate, or to partner in a mutually beneficial and interesting conversation.

Small talk with a vertical thinker tends to very quickly degenerate into them telling you XYZ without ever caring (honestly) about who they are talking to when making the moral equivalent of verbally combative proclamations.

People who are vertical thinkers adhere to a belief system that in order to win, there must be a loser. They admire stronger social predators while loathing people who are collaborative, humanitarian natured, insightful, and respectful communicators.

The emotionally intelligent HSP person realizes that for each and every social action, there is a cue or prompt for a listener’s reaction. But it is not just the listener compelled to respond or react when and if they are spoken to directly.

Horizontal thinkers, seeing the connection between all things including but not limited to humans, the environment, social structures in homes, community members as neighbors, and people all over the world know that saying or doing something that has a direct or indirect effect on just one person is never, in theory or practical application, possible.

Emotionally intelligent people tend to value other people for their unique social and personal skill sets. They strive to create workplace environments where individuals are supported and allowed to excel in areas of personal comfort, skill base, and natural interest.

While vertical thinkers are busy screaming at their children, referees, and other parents at their kid’s soccer games while striving to train their offspring to be socially competitive, parents who are horizontal thinkers are busy teaching their kids to value and appreciate the pro-social contributions of others.

History, Philosophy, Art, Music, Coding, and Literature are the types of subjects that appeal to HSP individuals, with subject matter baffling even the most intellectually gifted vertical thinkers.

Cluster B people and those raised to only understand the world in terms of competition tend to hate any gifted and talented or “Twice Gifted” person. Finding no social utility of a team player who refuses to brutalize other human beings socially or physically for the sake of ego, they tend to pervasively shun those people in the world who contribute most to the broader “hue-man” collective while striving to invalidate and shame them socially.

Empaths who seek out others of their kind and avoid social entanglement with low EQ thinkers tend to have a much easier life.

Able to excel when socially and professionally supported by a team that values unique form and functional ability, the HSP thinker uses high levels of IQ and natural EQ to sort the wheat from chaff socially and emotionally with relative ease.

Low IQ people with equally low or absent EQ tend to behave in ways that are physically as well as socially aggressive. The higher the IQ, the more likely they are to rage in frustration, resorting to making verbally and emotionally abusive ad hominem attacks on the character of any person or peer group that shows a preference for supporting high EQ behavior.

Name-calling rivals, bullying preferred scapegoat targets, lying, refusing to validate other people’s perspectives, stonewalling, gaslighting, refusing to self-educate… are all typical behaviors of a low EQ nature. Those who show such traits simply cannot be NEUROLOGICALLY trusted to do anything other than self-promote, to self-aggrandize, and to behave in grossly abusive ways toward any person or peer group they choose to invalidate.

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Plato's Stunt Double

DISCLOSURE: The author of this post is in no way offering professional advice or psychiatric counseling services. Please contact your local authorities IMMEDIATELY if you feel you are in danger. If you suspect your partner, a loved one, co-worker, or family member has a Cluster B personality disorder, contact your local victim's advocate or domestic violence shelter for more information about how to protect your rights legally and to discuss the potential benefits or dangers of electing to go "no contact" with your abuser(s). Due to the nature of this website's content, we prefer to keep our writer's names ANONYMOUS. Please contact flyingmonkeysdenied@gmail.com directly to discuss content posted on this website, make special requests, or share your confidential story about Narcissistic Abuse with our staff writers. All correspondence will be kept strictly confidential.

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