What is BPD? Borderline Personality Disorder, also known as BPD, is a psychological condition commonly referred to as a type of nurtured Cluster B disorder. The neurological affectation is characterized by the problematic person’s behavior.
Common elements of BPD nature and behavior patterns tend to symptomatically medically provably include transactional mood swings, unstable social and emotional dependability, and a pattern of abdicating putting an equal amount of time or internal self-reflective and mindfully empathic energy into their most intimate and close personal relationships.
Borderline Personality (BPD) is very common in the United States. However, the condition is present in every global nation and society’s citizenry without medical question and or exception.
There are historical reasons why the hedonistic and socially violent medical epidemic in social society arose that can be academically investigated and medically proven with relative ease to assist victims of parents and siblings with the conditions or those who have married into family units or entered romantic relations with a partner who has been medically impacted. FAS appears on the surface to be the most common cause likely to be proven as impactful as things like genetic testing evolve.
More than 3 million cases of BPD by the year 2019 have been formally diagnosed by psychiatric and medically relevant legal professional opinions in the United States. The condition is considered treatable by a medical professional team, only with the full cooperation of the person displaying NLP traits that accompany the condition and the ongoing around the clock social and informed “all on the same team” support network.
BPD is a chronic condition that can last for decades or a lifetime if left unresolved or untended. Enabled, the behaviors the person in question afflicted with the affectation tends to be charismatic in public but incredibly personally and professionally caustic towards self and others whenever they slide into indulging toxic thinking or habitual pattern of emotional hedonism indulgence.
While Borderline people require a professional medical diagnosis in order to have their condition considered valid to pay for and treat using health insurance, understanding that treating the condition as self-treatment coupled with at-home social and emotional support simply requires the patient to be educated about their condition.
Once the family is equally aware of the medical literature that exists…
And the challenges of the person’s tendency to emotionally revert to the nature of a tantruming or conversation avoiding toddler when they feel out of control of their social environment is well known…
Improving behavior patterns of the partner of anyone socially enmeshed with the BPD person in a loving and “willing to care” manner can begin without the need to make irrational or unnecessary logical fallacy appeal to authority before striving to engage in pro-social behavior.
Lab tests to establish a person has BPD may or may not include a brain scan for the health of neurological tissue and complex emotional reasoning form and function.
Imaging a brain during a temper tantrum or episode where the person with the BPD impacted NLP is not required for social compassion to be granted to the person tantruming or to provide humane trauma relief and post-care for their victims (including but not limited to scapegoats, targets, and or collateral damage victims).
The cause of nurtured personality disorders is becoming better understood since 2015 thanks to those brain scans aforementioned. A person with biological Cluster B issues is likely to present on a brain scan with frozen neuroplasticity in areas that typically, if healthy, show complex emotional processing and empathy.
When diagnosis for BPD is made based on symptoms alone, a patient can be treated by a professional or psychiatric team and insurance will pay for the bills if that type of coverage is provided.
However, by skipping a brain scan and ruling out issues related to things like lack of empathy response, neurological malfunction due to things like percussive or impact trauma that causes TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury), and or some other medical malady like a tumor or genetic condition impacting social and emotional core processing ability of a patient, the patient, treatment team, and loved ones involved with the ongoing behavior management of the impacted person are left at a striking medical, legal, and social disadvantage.
Brain Scans for empathy did not come readily available to the market until 2015. The public social medical hope is they will become test commonly applied in a variety of creative medical and no-touch application methods by or before the year 2015.
A person experiencing the symptoms of a BPD wave or meltdown is oftentimes provoked to self indulge emotions related to physical anxiety or fear by no one thing or person’s fault.
Understanding that the person’s inner child is essentially taking over the adult emotional body and hijacking their reason and common sense in a type of modified PTSD or social stress flashback can go a long way towards the BPD person and their loved ones learning how to spot the signs of the collapse of the problem person’s rational mind.
Symptoms of BPD that impact the person in question who displays toxic behavior ranging from causing others to feel small or lesser all the way up to them emulating a grandiose and self-entitled Abuser full-on raging to upset other humans or to punish them include but are not limited to the following commonly reported neurological events:
— emotional instability caused by feeling less than the most important person in a room at any given moment
— feelings of worthlessness caused by toxic shame or irrational envy of others
— insecurity created when fear of losing the heart or attention of another overcomes them due to Object Permanence Syndrome issues that have nothing to do with their objectified person’s behavior or locus of control
— impulsivity in blurted speech
— a tendency to engage in secret-keeping, emotional and social withholding of accurate data to involved and vested others, and to participating in private on the sly or in public recklessly in high-risk behaviors
Symptoms expressed tend to lead patients to create their own self-damaged and functionally impaired social relationships. Borderlines tend to say or do whatever in the moment net gains them what they impulsively in a fit of crisis or spiraling malaise and social withdrawal from health that they think in crisis they want.
Most medical professionals are functionally unaware of what BPD is unless they have to work with or had Borderline Personality Type people in their family. Many will tell you treatments like talk therapy coupled with appropriate anti-anxiety or mood-stabilizing medications for the person with BPD are ways for the person with the condition to improve their quality of life and behavior.
If you find a therapist or treatment team professional who is personally familiar with how BPD people tend to act and manipulate those who are strangers, as well as those closest to them, therapy experiences for the person and their impacted family members, tends to short and long term goes better. We are aware the aforementioned statement is unquantified.
It is our hope expressing the insight we have as a team after decades of study (that working with a therapist with personal experience with a BPD love interest, parent, or family member who they grew up with or resided with for a considerable period of time with in a home) will be well received by any reader or by the mental health community.
We hope some academically savvy and well-funded psychology and/or sociology professional will write a big, fancy, well-documented paper on after they receive a grant to prove or to deny and to modify the assertion.
[We ask this as professionals with expertise in the field of any person here reading that our claim be tested and considered as worth investigating in your personal life. We quite non-professionally choose to add a smile and a hug to our request in an attempt to avoid being treated like an authority source in order to allow people to take personal responsibility for the healing of self and relationships without feeling the need to have a third party or outside authority source on the subject in unnecessarily involved.]
If a person goes to counseling with a Cluster B individual with the goal of sharing what hurt them, the person doing the sharing is giving a blueprint to the hospitality abuser how to harm and unnerve us most directly and expediently.
Creating a routine for counseling that includes the BPD person having time in counseling alone with a therapist with their loved ones each able to have time expressing their concerns and vexations about the troubled person’s behavior in a separate private session that repeats like a touchpoint on a regular basis can allow the patient to have support while their victims are allowed to maintain dignity and actual healthful physical separation.
Knowing as a support person for someone with BPD that counseling for the advocate is available… knowing that victims of people with toxic behavior patterns have a voice without needing to allow the hospitality abuser to make their behavior choices something excused because we did or did not do something to provoke them to turn avoidant, hateful, passive-aggressive, saboteur by nature, or violent is crucial to them accepting personal responsibility for behavior choices while we ourselves can pursue social and emotional support to avoid overindulging their toxic behavior choices or enabling.
As such, when asking the question, “What is BPD?” in any self-reflective moment of academic inquiry, in-person to a mental health professional, or to someone who either has the condition themselves or who knows someone who does… remember this fact.
A person with BPD learned somewhere between 18 months old and four years that the world is not a place that created a feeling of safety for them when their bodies were first forming conceptions of what the world is and was. As a direct result, the child — for whatever reason — learned coping strategies that net gained them relief from anxiety on a minute to minute basis while forsaking any sense of long term emotional management or social success promoting objectives.
In order for Borderline Personality types to self-manage, they must learn to self identify when their physical body presents with the sensation of stress or anxiety related to feelings of powerlessness or the fear that their needs in life-related to their desire or to demand objects won’t be met.
In a mind bright enough to adult through the concept, healing has the possibility to occur quite fast.
Healing, in proper BPD management context, means that what might have taken days or months to ramp up or to deescalate a depression or tantrum infused episode might end up being worked through in a matter of days, hours, or minutes once the ah-ha moment arrives that there is always… always… a neurological poker tell that presents before bad behavior is functionally elected by the BPD person to exhibit.