Stall tactics are Machiavellian but not necessarily Anti-Social
This Just In, Vocabulary

Machiavellian Stall Tactics for pro-social reasons should not be conflated with Anti-Social behavior

Stall tactics — also known as Distraction Tactics — are a Machiavellian strategy. Deployed to harm,  it is obvious that it is the destructive interruption of someone’s time in order to produce a negative result for the targeted mark. Used for pro-social reasons, someone might use a stall tactic to ease (rather than to heighten) someone’s anxiety.

When someone does intentionally to sabotage someone else using a stall tactic, they are likely to create one or more distractions to keep their targeted mark’s eye on the wrong disco ball.

People who are up to no good might choose to distract or delay taking action when they should in order to prevent someone from doing something for a period of time. It is a covert form of Narcissistic Abuse when that happens — one that reflects extreme levels of Machiavellian presence of mind in whoever chooses to act like a “Distractor”.

But someone using stall tactics to arrange a surprise birthday party’s timing is stalling for a different social and emotional reason. To conflate using stall tactics or distraction tactics to harm is anti-social and Machiavellian; but, to employ a strategy of temporary distraction that is kind and for a higher pragmatic and Utilitarian pro-social good?

That’s just being a clever person — likely someone everyone is prone to reaching out to in times of crisis and need because such a person on a brain scan is able to prove they have the neurological ability to process complex emotion in a healthy manner and that they are physically capable of treating people with sincere biologically inspired empathy.

Be wary of anyone who claims that when you misled someone for a kind reason that it was the same as them lying or gaslighting and using stall tactics in order to distract you and to cause you to miss something like an appointment, a meeting, an important date on the calendar that slipped your mind, or they cause you to break a promise to produce product according to some kind of a deadline.

People who understand how to use words to harm are oftentimes skilled at swapping meanings of words in order to cause a listener to conflate the meaning and gist of real terms.

It’s a form of presenting what’s being called as of 2018 “Alternative Facts”.

By screwing up the definitions of words like variables in Algebra then failing to follow neurolinguistic structural veracity rules of the application of Logic and PEMDAS whole failing to focus on one subject in any one sentence or conversation, the hospitality abusing Cluster B thinkers use Doublespeak and Word Salad techniques to trick groomed Stockholm victims into believing nonsense like if there is not a witness they deem credible or subjective to watch a trauma incident happen that a victim who experiences it should be shunned from society and denied any form of compassionate care until they can pull a witness to private events out of thin air.

Connect the Dots
15 not so obvious truths about Narcissistic Personality Disorder

Asking or expecting someone to do something like prove something unprovable if they were alone or the victim — rather than the perpetrator — of abuse before they are treated well by friends, authority figures, peers, community, or their family are using a culturally taught STALL TACTIC used only by dirty birds so they can continue to play mind games for nothing more than giggles and toots.

Plato's Stunt Double

DISCLOSURE: The author of this post is in no way offering professional advice or psychiatric counseling services. Please contact your local authorities IMMEDIATELY if you feel you are in danger. If you suspect your partner, a loved one, co-worker, or family member has a Cluster B personality disorder, contact your local victim's advocate or domestic violence shelter for more information about how to protect your rights legally and to discuss the potential benefits or dangers of electing to go "no contact" with your abuser(s). Due to the nature of this website's content, we prefer to keep our writer's names ANONYMOUS. Please contact directly to discuss content posted on this website, make special requests, or share your confidential story about Narcissistic Abuse with our staff writers. All correspondence will be kept strictly confidential.

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