Social Predators, by definition, are those individuals who thrive in life by acting like Pack Animals who prey on other humans as if they are an energetic food source.
They are widely known for exhibiting predictable traits of egocentrism and aggressive (oftentimes violent) social mannerisms.
Mind Body Green describes them as dangerous people.
Resist the urge to reverse project “faith in humanity” onto them. All Cluster B people are what’s known as egocentric, vertical thinkers — meaning they have completely different core values, biochemical differences in the way their brains process things like complex emotions, and they are constantly striving to win (rather than be part of a group that values and respect harmonious and collaborative social interaction with others).
Fiercely competitive at all times, they fail to understand the difference between pro-social behavior (such as competing for fun and sport) and the abusive lifestyle habits of toxic thinkers.
Literally, the Cluster B person approaches every social interaction with a clear desire in mind to win the conversation.
It’s that simplistic, the justification for their willingness to lie, con, connive, smear campaign, break trusts, and to do or say whatever they think will win them the desired social or emotional response from their target… namely, the LISTENER.
If you have been targeted for social use or abuse by a toxic thinker who is a social predator by nature or nurture, the results are oftentimes going to be the same. The targeted victim and any collateral damage victims or preferred scapegoat targets are likely to suffer mental abuse, physical neglect, the direct and indirect effects of violence, or emotional abuse that damages them credibly in a physical as well as psychological way.
The self-help website notes, “With no conscience to check their behavior, they use charm and manipulation liberally to get what they want from others. No one is exempt from this. They’ll prey with equal recklessness on family, friends, lovers, co-workers, or even turn their skills to cults or politics. They modify their personalities to become exactly the person they think you want them to be. And they’re good at it.”
Of the four Cluster B personality types, social danger ranks from least to most following this pattern of hierarchy: HPD –> BPD –> NPD –> Malignant Narcissist –> Narcopath (NPD + mild ASPD) –> (Sociopath) –> ASPD (Psychopath) –> Dark Triad (NPD + ASPD + Machiavellian).
Psychologists recommend avoiding close personal or professional association with any of them, as notably only those with the same or a similar personality type [like a Co-Narcissist] tends to be happy or safe involved in any long-term relationship with one.
Social Predators are people who con, bully, lie, cheat, steal, smear campaign, gaslight, and strive to manufacture both chaos and triangulations while feeling happy, relaxed, proud of themselves, and (biochemically speaking) excited. Since their neurology is fundamentally different in both form and function, when they abuse other people they tend to feel a rush of adrenaline accompanied by endorphins.
New brain studies confirm that depleted empathy centers in the brain of folks with Cluster B personality types as well as those who have been exposed to serious poverty, neglect, nutritional deprivation, head injury, or social trauma simply do not respond to external stimuli the same way folks who have high levels of emotional intelligence coupled with neurotypical or gifted brains do.
Medications and chemical exposure as well as various types of pain or illness can lessen a body’s ability to interact with the world around it in a naturally healthy or life-enriching way.
A quick fact check about the side effects of Tylenol (Acetaminophen) — the base ingredient for over 600 of the most commonly prescribed pharmaceuticals in the United States alone — has, as of 2015, been shown conclusively by the scientific and medical community to deplete empathy response in the human brain.
That means all those WWII Generation members who dutifully took their prescription pain meds throughout their lives and their Baby Boomer children who were raised on Tylenol for infants might have displayed narcissistic traits with their friends, family members, and in the workplace literally because they were functionally unable to feel remorse for any personal pain or financial harm they did to things like the environment and other people regardless of whether or not they had recovered from trauma issues related to living through various wars.
But a dose of Tylenol alone does not a social predator make. In order to diagnose a person with a Cluster B personality type, they must present a pervasive and consistently socially aggressive lifestyle pattern.
A man who fought in WWII, then came home and sat in his chair listening quietly to baseball games on the radio but never harmed his family members more than likely suffered from C-PTSD — not a personality disorder (no matter how grim lipped or socially withdrawn he was or how much lethal force he used as a military member).
Conversely, that kid who stayed home because he had flat feet and spent a lifetime constantly bullying and socially aggressing other people might not have personally done another human being in by hand, but you can bet money on it that if they have a personality disorder, they enjoy themselves by dishing out beatings or issuing verbal barbs and threats.
For these reasons, it is crucial for any victim of Narcissistic Abuse to be mindful that there’s no excuse to enable, tolerate, dish out, or excuse social abuse no matter how many Abusers or Abuser Enablers insist that’s the way the world works. It isn’t.
Ambient Abuse environments created by toxic parents nurture children to become toxic thinkers.
Some who are lucky enough to be born with functional empathy centers in the brain are able to reject the claim that vertical thinking is superior in quality to horizontal mind frames. Others take on the afflicted consciousnesses of their (essential) captors, developing a lifelong form of thinking style rooted in distorted survival strategies and coping mechanisms.
Children of Dark Triad parents, for example, tend to become incredibly abusive or incredible healers. The choice is always theirs, but if a child is exposed from birth through age four to the care of a toxic or abusive caretaker, the odds they themselves will become abusive social predators (by nature or nurture) is far greater.