Glossary of terms related to Narcissistic Abuse
Love Fraud, This Just In, Vocabulary

Narcissistic Abuse terminology you need to know if you have been abused

Welcome to Narcissistic Abuse recovery. Here is a starter key term and key phrase list of Narcissistic Abuse terminology any academic or self-help researchers need to know if and when they are seeking to understand abuse.

What the list DOES include are helpful psychology terms to include that can help a target understand what happened, coupled with vocabulary that specifically refers to commonly enacted patterns of abuse.

What our list specifically does NOT include are words and term ideas that grant an abuser supernatural or any serious god-like powers.

Cluster B people tend to behave in ways any neurotypical person is likely to view as predictably (and nonsensically) deplorable, while those who were raised by toxic thinkers will see as the Abuser having phenomenal cosmic power.

While we are sorry to know that ANYONE on the planet has been abused, felt invalidated, or has been socially shunned for no other crime than being honest or good, we have to say that you are not alone. If you are in human body, we are all collectively in this global social push-pull dynamic of relationships together.

You’re also in good company with our readers, noting we strive to understand the pattern behavior of socially abusive and aggressive individuals in order to end social enmeshment (rather than striving to deify them and thusly continue fueling their self-aggrandizing sense of power).

For folks who found our website via social media — thank you for taking time to like our posts, for sharing our articles, and for helping this website get the word out about common red flags and warning signs that a person or peer group is prone to engaging in mental abuse tactics or likely to situationally abuse others.

While people with Cluster B personality types are less than happy to see that they are not unique, victims tend to find great comfort and solace knowing that no matter how many times abusive people simply insist that behaving in deplorable manners are commonplace that it’s simply NOT TRUE.

While it IS true that one in 25 people are prone to behaving like social competitors rather than helpers, what’s NOT true is that it is smart or healthy to ridicule children or adults who display humanitarian natures.

For neurotypical people with healthy brain function, being upset by abuse — whether you are being abused or you witness it — is absolutely pro-social, healthy, positive, and NORMAL.

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For those who have biological suppression of empathy responses in the brain or whose bodies respond to socially aggressive competition by rewarding them with a flood of endorphins and adrenaline that creates a pleasure response in them from causing other people pain?

Those folks make up what has been referred to in psychology pop culture as the “basket of deplorable people” — referring to those who lie, cheat, steal, gaslight, con, terrorize, threaten, physically abuse other people, sexually assault, and live their life primarily using pirate ethics.

For more information about terms related to self-help study, visit:

We keep a comprehensive list there that is routinely updated, with key terms we discuss coming solely from reader questions asking us to define not only how we are using terms in the context of stipulative definitions for the purpose of academic discussion, but also to help make everyone’s research of subject matter related to Narcissistic Abuse easier to find on the internet.

If you are presently working through tough issues related to toxic family units, workplace bullying, or domestic violence, all the terms on the list have been provided to help you become more familiar with personality types, behavior patterns commonly seen as symptoms of Cluster B personality disorders, and to help you be able to find the right words to help describe behavior patterns of an aggressor or caustic peer group to your therapist, psychologist, divorce lawyer, attorney, social service worker, Guardian Ad Litem, and anyone else in a position to help YOU recover.

We recommend all our readers save the link as a bookmark and routinely visit the page as a daily or weekly reminder about what abuse is as well as to re-read terms and related articles. The more you learn, the easier it is for any Narcissistic Abuse victim to depersonalize abuse, learn how to avoid toxic people, and to go gray rock while ending psychological, social, and emotional enmeshment.

Share the page with your friends, like-minded family members, co-workers, long time family friends, and neighbors. You don’t have to share intimate personal details of your situation anymore when and if you are discussing abuse.

Simply tell anyone inquiring or who you suspect is being abused to visit and direct them to articles by a key term that describes what you have personally experienced or suspect is going on in relation to any person or peer group that’s being abusive.

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Taking the information to people not willing to validate your perspective is likely to vex you emotionally, to cause psychological stress, and could put you in danger if the person you heft it at is your abuser… so think it through before bringing up the issue.

But understand this…

If you act as a whistleblower and end social enmeshment with a toxic person, you might not be LIKED by the Abuser and any of their willing “Flying Monkeys” (meaning Abuse Enablers), but you will be far healthier and physically SAFER. If you out someone, then stay, you position yourself morally to become a willing abuse victim as well as an Enabler.

Sharing the material with other people you know are hurting and on the receiving end of being pervasively targeted for social or emotional abuse are likely to greatly benefit from reading the material. What’s more, them validating the pattern and letting you know they don’t choose to use things like tough childhoods or hardship as an excuse to use, belittle, lie to, physically brutalize, neglect, or otherwise abuse other people is likely to do FAR more psychological good for you than trying to cozy up and seek emotional validation from any person or peer group who chose to abuse you.

Use the vocabulary terms list to help augment personal, professional, academic, and self-help research. Start paying attention to things like occasional re-run episodes of reality television programs with noted Cluster B personality types and narcissistic or egocentric people featured on film roles in everyday circumstances responding to social stimuli live.

Be mindful of people’s facial expressions, microexpressions, and body postures when they talk. Learn how to tell when someone is lying or gaslighting — and when you spot the poker tell, resist the urge to minimize the importance.

Follow for daily updates about Narcissistic Abuse Recovery.  You can also search on Facebook for the fan page titled “Narcissists, Sociopaths, and Flying Monkeys — Oh My!” (TM).

Follow @NSFM_OhMy on Twitter at twitter. com/nsfm_ohmy for trending topic updates, current events discussions about social issues related to Narcissistic Abuse and human rights issues, and if you are feeling froggy check out and follow our Google +, Pinterest, and YouTube Channel video favorites list, too.

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Help co-sponsor this page by making a donation to or sending a more discreet thank you gift using the email address via PayPal. Let us know a list of the articles that helped you most and we’ll be sure to use part or all of your gift to boost the links on social media so they have the opportunity to reach more abuse victims in order to facilitate and expedite their healing.

Whether you are an abuse victim, a child abuse or sexual assault survivor, a person who was duped into loving a Love Fraud con artist, or you have been targeted for abuse in the workplace or at school, we understand completely.

The reason this page exists is to help victims of abuse who have been told it is their word against an abuser’s during circumstances where there are no witnesses find peace, healing, and their emotional center.

Help us help you help yourselves help others by clicking like or share on this page or any one of our posts and articles.

We always keep a link to the glossary at the top of our page… as well as a long list of bookmarked videos on our youtube channel that help explain terms with more specific abuse examples.

To find the glossary, simply click the link that shares glossary of terms related to Narcissistic Abuse.

The Flying Monkeys Denied YouTube channel link can be found on the upper right-hand corner of the page. Look for the YouTube icon to actively join the world’s most longstanding conversation.

Plato's Stunt Double

DISCLOSURE: The author of this post is in no way offering professional advice or psychiatric counseling services. Please contact your local authorities IMMEDIATELY if you feel you are in danger. If you suspect your partner, a loved one, co-worker, or family member has a Cluster B personality disorder, contact your local victim's advocate or domestic violence shelter for more information about how to protect your rights legally and to discuss the potential benefits or dangers of electing to go "no contact" with your abuser(s). Due to the nature of this website's content, we prefer to keep our writer's names ANONYMOUS. Please contact directly to discuss content posted on this website, make special requests, or share your confidential story about Narcissistic Abuse with our staff writers. All correspondence will be kept strictly confidential.

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