Are you wondering what to expect from the Abuser in your life when they get older? Do you find yourself daydreaming and hoping that once your deplorable lover, long time friend, or family member matures a few more years that they will suddenly see the light and begin to value the concept of treating people …
Accommodation or Enabling: What’s the difference?
Accommodation versus Enabling: what’s the difference? Everything — if you ask a psychologist, philosopher, historian, forensic psychology analyst, or cunning linguist. The difference between making an accommodation and enabling is as different as comparing oranges to Cadillacs, as enabling reflects social strategizing while accommodating reflects a horizontal thinker’s desire to let a beneficiary know they …
An open letter from Abuse Advocates to all Abusers and Abuse Enablers
The following “Open letter from Abuse Advocates to all Abusers and Abuse Enablers” was shared with our team in response to the civic social crisis known as the election debacle of 2016. The CLUSTER B nation has risen using a blend of old-fashioned grassroots marketing, gaslighting, and smear campaigning coupled with a heavy push to …
Grieving the loss of relationship with an abusive Adult Child
Letting go of an abusive or narcissistic child is tough. Hold space for them to mature but expect NOTHING. If they have a personality disorder — whatever the reason — loving them from a distance and getting on with YOUR OWN LIFE as a HUMAN (rather than as a parent) is CRUCIAL to Narcissistic Abuse …
Proof Narcissistic Abuse recovery is POSSIBLE — please tell everybody
This just in! Narcissistic Abuse recovery is possible — not “with time”, but with validation, self-reflection, emotional honesty, and community support for VALIDATION. The following letter just came in from a reader with a special request we share it with other Narcissistic Abuse victims. Her story, like so many of OUR stories, validates and confirms …
Hurling insults reveals true nature of Flying Monkeys and Abuse Enablers
Have you ever tried to make a point in an argument with a narcissistic person or toxic thinker and had them respond to your valid point by failing to validate you, then hurling verbal assaults? It is a Machiavellian Narcissistic Abuse technique used by Cluster B characters when and if they know they are caught …
10 Commandments of Pro-Social Parenting
Parent Abuse tends to happen to senior citizens and adults whose children have been abused by Cluster B adults, forcibly estranged, or alienated. They can be alienated during their childhood, as young adults by toxic peers, and in adulthood if and when they enmesh with a LOVE FRAUD con artist or narcissistic romantic partner. Toxic …
How to spot a Collapsed Narcissist
He who shall not be named is a homegrown terrorist of the Archie Bunker, psychic vampire type. J.K. Rowling got it right. A narcissistic, egocentric, grandiose blame-shifter who fails to value or appreciate human traits like kindness, goodwill, or emotional sensitivity to other people’s needs while being fiercely envious of happy people, their goal is to …
10 well-known celebrities suspected of being narcissistic
10 Well-Known Celebrities suspected of outright Narcissism or caught behaving outwardly abusive to other people? No! Say it ain’t so! Vainglorious, eccentric, “no brown M&Ms in MY bowl” kind of ridiculousness is what we’re talking about in this CELEBRITY NARCISSISTS evergreen newsworthy “behind the scenes” fluff-n-stuff article. “Celebrity Narcissists”, we’d like to hereby define, are …
Magical Thinking reflects Narcissism in Co-Dependent personalities
Magical thinking is more than positive thinking. It is not simply daydreaming or “pipe dreaming” as some people might claim. According to Wikipedia, “Magical thinking is the attribution of causal or synchronistic relationships between actions and events which seemingly cannot be justified by reason and observation.” Further, Psychology Today notes evidence of Magical thinking springs …
Why Church Doctrine should come with a Warning (and Instruction) Label
The following is a reprint of an article shared by an Episcopal priest — not a Southern Baptist, not a Catholic, not a “Jew”, not a “Tree Hugger”, not the “Liberal Media”, and not a Christian Right-wing thinker. In it, he talks about the life and message of Jesus Christ — as arguably the world’s …
Why are Narcissists, Sociopaths, and Psychopaths considered ‘Untreatable’?
Narcissistic Personality Disorder and Anti-Social Personality disorder are considered UNTREATABLE as a mental health problem or condition. Because Cluster B personality types are just that — personality types — there is no real cure because the diagnosis of the condition has nothing to do whatsoever with illness. When a person develops an egocentric perspective as …
Social Identity Theft and Bullying the goal of many Copycat Stalkers
Is someone who is nuttier than a bag of squirrels copycat stalking while simultaneously striving to smear campaign against you? Here’s why it’s seriously bothersome and such an upsetting thing for a victim of an obsessed, vendetta-fueled, rage-a-holic to have to endure. Social Identity theft of another person’s persona and reputation is a form of …
What happens when the Schoolyard Bully or Mean Girl grows up
What happens when the Schoolyard Bully or Mean Girl grows up? Childhood bullies tend to become adults who bully. It is that simple. If a child has a biological predisposition to behaving abusively or aggressively in social environments, it’s a major red flag that they are likely to become active Abusers once they hit their adult years. …
Co-Dependent behavior and Dependent Personality Disorder
Co-dependent behavior cripples both the Abuser and the victim. It is an extreme form of codependency, clinging to the notion that in order to keep people in a person’s life that a toxic thinker must manufacture crisis after crisis and extreme chaos for their friends and family on an ongoing basis simply to ensure their …