Emotional Abuse cycles oftentimes follow the same pattern of escalation as physical abuse incidents. It is easy to understand the cycle of Narcissistic Abuse involved in proper context once one understands that people who abuse the emotions and hospitality of others tend to do so by habit whenever they themselves are experiencing emotional dysregulation. How …
Narcissistic Abuse in relationships leads to the formation of wholly preventable stress related illnesses
Narcissistic Abuse in relationships leads to the formation of wholly preventable stress-related illnesses. It’s a medical fact — one that should be taken as a serious risk to national as well as to global security. C-PTSD and its symptoms cost every nation and country not only the social and mental health of their citizenry, but …
Why do Cluster B people lie and gaslight?
Why do Cluster B people lie? It’s the most common question people who have been lied to and about tend to ask people they trust. When people victimized by social predators ask, “Why do they lie?” understand it’s because their mind and body are aware that truth matters. Not because they are intellectually deficient. People …
How to spot someone acting Machiavellian and anti-social behind your back
Wondering how to spot someone acting Machiavellian and Anti-Social behind your back? Look for the person who is in all the right social circles, who has established a presence as a trustworthy person working between all parties for the common good, and wait for the mask to slip the first time they don’t get their …
Machiavellian Stall Tactics for pro-social reasons should not be conflated with Anti-Social behavior
Stall tactics — also known as Distraction Tactics — are a Machiavellian strategy. Deployed to harm, Â it is obvious that it is the destructive interruption of someone’s time in order to produce a negative result for the targeted mark. Used for pro-social reasons, someone might use a stall tactic to ease (rather than to heighten) …
How to avoid alienating your child from their co-parent during a High Conflict Divorce
Surviving High Conflict Divorce without alienating your child from their co-parent. It’s the task and challenge at hand for non-Cluster B people who have been targeted for pervasive social, emotional, spiritual, and likely financial abuse by a socially competitive and likely irrational and profoundly disgruntled “rejected suitor” of an ex. Once in a while over …
Why Pathological Liars and Enablers seek to triangulate
Pathological Liars and Enablers seek to triangulate other humans. It is actual covert social and physical abuse of everyone’s hospitality. Pathological liars tend to be experts at gaslighting. They lie to and about other people in order to strategically manipulate with the hopes of gaining social advantage. Why do they do it? To obscure the …
When the weather outside (as well as inside) is frightful
If you are a person who strives to avoid spending time with your closest family members at all costs in order to avoid family fights and stress, news about extreme weather events like large-scale flooding, hurricanes, and snowstorms on the horizon are likely to give you pause that requires a physical heebie-jeebie style shudder to …
Repeating lies and gaslighting ad infinitum is a socially competitive brainwashing tactic
Why do toxic people repeat lies, smear campaigning remarks, ad hominem attacks, and false assertions over and over? Listen up, because we are about to tell you the answer you wish everyone has told you the first time you asked… more than likely when you were only two, three, or four years old and became …
How to identify Emotional Abuse if you were groomed to enable Social Predators
Ever wonder if you are being too sensitive or controlling because someone who treated you poorly and abused your hospitality said that you were after they harmed you on purpose or knowingly? You are the victim of a gaslighting social predator, one prone to emotionally and socially mistreating other people. Emotional abuse is common in …
Dehumanization of Whistleblowers and Scapegoats common Narcissistic Abuse tactics
Dehumanization of Whistleblowers and Scapegoats is common in Machiavellian minds. They dehumanize victims to make their target and prospective abuse by proxy marks believe that the person they strive to devalue is not only deserving of abuse but should never under any social circumstance be treated as if they deserve humane social treatment, anything resembling …
Repeating a lie does not make Gaslighting true
Repeating a lie does not make Gaslighting true. Repeating a falsehood louder or more frequently does not magically change reality or the universe. What it does is socially and emotionally brutalize anyone exposed to the gist of the Social Predator. Vladimir Lenin was famous for saying, “A lie told often enough becomes the truth.” He …
How to spot people who lie and who undermine
You know who they are… the Liars, the ‘Underminers’. But typically not until after they have been enabled to size you up as a mark and to target you and your peer group for social attack. Here are a few life-changing tips to help you spot them in life before they have a serious opportunity …
Signs and symptoms of Histrionic Personality Disorder
Histrionic Personality Disorder is the name of the personality type that always leaves the person with it pretending they are acting on a high drama stage. HPD, the nickname for Histrionic Personality Disorder, presents itself as a behavior pattern where whoever has it seems to lack the ability to control their emotions. Many signs of …
What happens to Narcissists in the end
What happens to narcissists in the end? It is a question all of their victims ask themselves eventually somewhere between their wake up and the complete enactment of their healing process. For many people, the best thing to do is to leave the Narcissist long before their end days or senior years come around. It’s …